16. "i'm horny all the time, gaskarth. what's your point?"

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~ ALEX ~

As she walked back over to me, it was hard to hide the stupid grin on my face, but I figured she was too intoxicated to notice. 

There was something about the way she strutted over, something about how she could make Lisa's old clothes look like a fucking wedding gown, that just took my breath away. 

"Where were we?" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck again. I followed suit and repositioned my hands on her waist. 

"You tell me," I replied. 

"Well, I think I had something to give you."

"And what would that be?"

"I forgot," she smiled sheepishly and pulled her body closer to mine and holding my neck with her hands as opposed to her entire arm. She looked up and straight into my eyes. "How could I possibly make up for it?" 

I could see the reflection of the disco lights inside her piercing green eyes, and I couldn't stop looking at them. "I don't need you-"

She interrupted me by pulling her hands towards her body, so hard that our noses were now touching. 

"You're drunk," I managed to say. Quit being a guy, I told myself. No matter how much you want her, you have to be polite about it. 

"Really?" She said, shooting me a devilish, lustful grin. Her eyes were dark in desire, and I assumed the same applied to mine. "I hadn't noticed." 

"Come on, I'll take you home."

"I like it here. Hey, do me a favor?"

"Depends what it is," I replied. 

"Kiss me," she whispered. I debated this for a second. I could do as she said and have my first kiss with the girl I've been dreaming about since last year whilst we were both drunk, running the risk of her not remembering it happened, or I could wait for a better time to do it. 

"Wow, you're a horny drunk."

"I'm horny all the time, Gaskarth, what's your point?" 

"Don't really have one. Now are you going to cooperate or should I carry you back to the car?"

"I'll give you a hint: I'm not planning on collaborating." 

"Cooperating," I corrected her.

"CARRY ME HOOOME TONIGHT!" She sang loudly just as a remix of Fun's We Are Young came on. "We are young! So let's set the world on fire, we can burn brighter than the sun!"

"You're embarrassing me," I said. 

"That's the plan!" 

"That's it. You're coming with me." I picked her up easily, honeymoon-style, and walked over to where Rian and Zack were sitting. "Hey Ri, I'm taking her home. Keys?" 

Rian placed the keys in my mouth and said something about not losing them. 

"I won't, see you soon! Don't forget Jack and Zack, their parents wouldn't want them home in this state." 

"Wait!" Erika screamed. I stopped in my tracks. "Is that Freddie?" 

I looked to the direction she was pointing in and, sure enough, her friend was making out with another man. I looked closer to see if I recognized his face, but all I could see was the back of his shirt, which had a huge skull on it. 

"Okay, ready?" I asked her impatiently. 

"Not yet," she said. "Maybe I should carry those keys for you." 

 And before I had time to object, she pulled the keys away from my mouth with her teeth, softly biting my bottom lip in the process. 

I was speechless, to say the least. I hadn't even kissed her yet but I sure had felt the fireworks from the brief incident. 

Fuck, I'm so corny. 

As I put her down in the backseat of the car, Erika didn't let me drive her away. She pulled my collar and held me close to her. 

"Babe, you've gotta let me take you home." 

"Noooo," she whined. "Stay here." 

"I'll just be in the front seat, silly," I shook my head in laughter. 

"Can I sit in the front then?" 

"Whatever tickles your pickle, Wendy," I smiled, picked her up and put her in the front seat, closing the door and sitting down beside her. 

"Fairly sure I don't have a pickle," she slurred. 

"You're not gonna remember any of this tomorrow." 

"Thank you, captain obvious," she countered, tilting her head back in laughter. 

Eventually, we arrived at my front door, and I carried her in again. 

"You know what's really nice?" she asked as soon as I put her down on the couch, but didn't let me answer. "The smell of your house. It smells kinda like really nice cologne and aftershave and-", she interrupted herself by vomiting on the floor, "Puke, now." 

I couldn't help but laugh. "You're disgusting." 

"You love me," she winked. 

"I do," I said without thinking. And it was true, I did. 

"Can I tell you something?" 


"I'm really, really tired. Can you make my couch?" 

"Do you mean bed?" I asked, chuckling. 

"No, Rian said I had to sleep in the couch." 

"Screw Rian, rules are meant to be broken," I said, picked her up once again, and put her down in my bed. I pulled off her shirt, careful not to touch the vomit, and threw it in the bathroom. "I'm gonna go clean up the mess you made on my floor, but try to sleep, okay?" 

"Okay. Night!" She called out. 

"G'night," I replied, but it came out as a sigh. And so I got up to sweep a puddle of Erika's vomit from my floor when all I wanted was to lie down next to her and cuddle the shit out of her.

When I finished cleaning up, I got out my sleeping bag and placed it on the couch. I then walked back to my bathroom and brushed my teeth. Personal hygiene is extremely important for a rock star, even when there was a shirtless drunk girl about ten meters away from you. 

I walked over to the bed to find Erika peacefully sleeping, and looking as wonderful as always. I kissed her forehead and made my way to the door. 

"Alex?" I heard a soft voice say as I was about to close the door behind me. 


"I'm cold," she said. 

"Do you want another blanket?" 

She considered this for a second. "No, I want cuddles." 

"I thought you'd never ask," I sighed in relief and dived under the covers next to her, softly singing in her ear as I placed my arms around her waist.  

"You're just a daydream away, I wouldn't know what to say if I had you." 

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