26. "just don't make me look like an oompa loompa."

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"You ready?" I said to Flo, my voice filled with ecstasy. This morning, before we arrived at the venue at Indiana, I decided I would give Florence a makeover. 

Don't get me wrong, she was unconventionally pretty. But she hardly ever wore any makeup, and her face was too pale to appear all over teenage girls' Tumblr blogs in paparazzi photos with the members of All Time Low. Plus, we could definitely use the bonding time that it brought us. 

"I'm ready," she replied. "Just don't make me look like an Oompa Loompa." 

"Scout's Honor," I replied, giggling. I'd gone through her bags and paired her up a great outfit which surprisingly enough she accepted to wear, and while I did her makeup, we discussed things that I would never have imagined talking to Flo about. 

"So, the incident with Alex last night," she began, "Didn't that weird you out?" 

"Nope," I said, dramatically popping the 'p'. "It's my fault for not fulfilling his, well, needs anyway." 

"Do you want to though?" 

"I don't know. I mean, I'm a hundred percent sure that he's the right guy, but I don't know if I'm ready right now." 

"Take it from someone who lost her virginity to a college boy, it's not that special anyways. And the first time hurts real bad." 

"Wait, you didn't lose it to Dylan?" I asked, confused. 

"Ah, Dylan and I had a bit of a falling out at a party once. So Dylan fucked our weed supplier's girlfriend, and when I found out, I had angry sex with Fred so he'd see what it felt like." 

"He just... cheated on you?"

"Yeah," she sighed, then giggled. "But you know what's worse? I lost my virginity to my twin brother and boyfriend's best friend." 

"You lost your virginity to a gay guy," I laughed loudly, unable to contain myself. Flo accompanied me.

"Quieten down, ladies," Freddie mumbled impatiently, opening the bathroom door with squinty eyes and bed hair. "It's like ten in the morning right now." 

"Speak of the Devil and he shall appear," Flo whispered, which just caused us to break out into more fits of laughter. 

Once I was finished with Flo's makeup and hair, she looked like a different person. Her hair was now wavy as opposed to frizzy, her eyes had no dark circles underneath them and her skin looked glowing and healthy. 

"Okay, you can look now," I announced, turning the chair around so she could face the mirror just as Rian walked past the bathroom. 

"Holy shit," he blurted out. "Flo, you look-" 

The two of them blushed.

"Thank you, thank you very much," I said, playfully bowing to break the awkward silence. "But just remember you're both taken, so no sex to mask the loneliness." 

Florence simply laughed nervously while Rian said, "I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, I'll be off then," I said, skipping into the distance, wanting to leave the two of them alone. There was clearly some chemistry there, and even though Dylan was my best friend, knowing that he cheated on Flo last week made me feel like I shouldn't tell Florence what to do with other guys.

As I strode past the living room, I saw Jack and Freddie asleep in each other's arms, and for some reason, that desperately made me want to see Alex. 

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