18. "you're a bit blurry right now."

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"So, how are those party plans going?" I asked Jack as him and Freddie cuddled in the couch at The Almighty Woodward Manor. They were being quite public about their affection in spite of their current situation, and I, not exactly being a hopeless romantic, was starting to get irritated.

"Brilliant, actually. People will start arriving in two hours." 

"Oh, wonderful! I'm not sure I'll drink tonight, though." 

"Why not?" 

"I want to get something out of Alex," I smirked. 

"Like what?" Freddie piped up. 

"Don't you worry, Freddykins. Seen Dylan? I gotta talk to him." 

"He's buying us booze and picking up Flo at the airport." 

"Wait, back up, Florence is here?" 

"He invited her to come over, since we're planning on staying a bit longer." 

Love is everywhere. "I guess there's no room for me in this house anymore, is there?" 

"This is a six-bedroom house, Erika," Jack snickered. "There's room for everyone." 

"Brilliant, well I'll be off then." 

"Where are you going?" 

"Picking up my plus-one," I smiled innocently as I passed on Rian's joke. Recycling other people's jokes, are we now? 

"Nice one. Later!" 

I blew a kiss to each one of them and left the house on Freddie's car. 

On my way to Alex's and Rian's humble abode, I realized I had nothing to wear for the party, and decided to drop by the local shopping mall to quickly buy an outfit. Forty-seven minutes and a $370 loss later, I was knocking on Alex's door. 

"Hello gorgeous," he smirked. 

"Hey," I grinned and hugged him tightly. "Look, I-"

"Is there something important you wanted to tell me?" 

"No, I just came to pick you and Mr Potato Head up for the party." 

Alex laughed at my nickname for Rian. "We'll be ready in a while."

"Hey, by any chance did Lisa leave any make up behind?" 

"Yeah, maybe check the second drawer in the bathroom." 

"Alright, thanks babe!" I said as I invaded his bathroom, got changed into my newly purchased dress and heels and fixed up my face with Lisa's make up products. Ironically, her foundation matched my skin tone perfectly, and I instantly decided that Alex had a type – girls with unusually pale skin.

By the time I was finished making myself presentable, I must admit that I was pretty proud. I looked fairly decent, but then again, when did I not?  

End of sarcasm.

I walked out of the bathroom and Alex was nervously tapping his foot on the bed, looking as sharp as always. 

"Holy shit," he mumbled as he looked up. 

"I know, I look amazing, let's go," I mocked. 

"No, stop." I stopped. He gave me the once over, a flabbergasted look on his face. It got to the point where I was feeling incredibly self-conscious. I wrapped my arms over my chest uncomfortably.

"Ready?" I said. He simply nodded. We summoned Rian and in no time we were on our way once again. 

And during the car ride, I did not miss one of the many lustful glances Alex kept shooting towards me. 

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