25. "let's hit the road, bitches!"

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"You guys ready?" Freddie said, his arms around me and Flo. 

"Ready as I'll ever be," I murmured. "Jack's reaction is going to be perfect." 

"I know, I can't wait!" Flo agreed, smiling, then she looked directly at my boobs. "Strategic outfit?" 

I was wearing my white Doc Martens, my ripped mini-shorts and my transparent black blouse which left my white lacy bra visible to anyone who wanted to see it. "You bet, Alex is a sucker for this type of thing." 

"You look hot," she said reluctantly, and I smiled thankfully, not finding the commentary at all awkward. We were currently waiting for the All Time Low bus to pick us up at Freddie's house, and none of them apart from Rian, and whoever he spoke to, knew about Flo and Freddie coming on tour with us. 

As a massive tour bus parked outside Freddie's mansion, Rian and Matt Flyzik, the boys' tour manager, got off the bus and helped us with our suitcases. 

I walked on the bus first, then Flo, then lastly, Freddie. Jack's facial expression when he saw Fred was priceless. 

"Fr- What the fuck?" 

"Any of you care to explain?" Zack asked.

"I will," Rian and I said simultaneously, but he beckoned for me to do the honors. 

"So, as you all know, these poor souls were going to be alone in Baltimore for a couple of weeks until they returned. And I decided it would be fun to bring them on tour with us! 

"Now, I know I had no right to do that because I'm not even part of the band, but I figured Jack would be more than happy to have Freddie around, right?" 

"Damn right," Jack grinned at me. 

"Great, and if you guys don't scare her off, Flo will enjoy this as much as I will. So there." 

"Brilliant idea, Wendy," Alex said as he emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. His hair was perfectly styled, the way he always does to make it look effortless, and his body... Well, he'd been working out lately. 

"Hello, Alexander," I smirked, walking over to him and putting my arm around him. When he was unprepared, I undid his towel and it fell to the ground, leaving absolutely nothing to imagination. Needless to say, everyone was in hysterics, including Flo. 

Alex sheepishly picked up his towel and wrapped it around himself again. 

"What was that for?" he said, trying to look unaffected, while he was in fact blushing like a madman. 

"For eating all our brownies, you filthy mudblood." I pretended to walk away and turned back around innocently. "By the way, it does slant to the left." 

"Justice will serve," he repeated several times as he walked off, his face still red. 

As soon as Alex disappeared, Zack raised his brimful shot glass in the air (it was currently 9:30am and him and Jack were already drunk), and yelled out, "Let's hit the road, bitches!" 

"Shouldn't you refrain from drinking before midday?" Rian said, sceptically. 

"Shouldn't you shut the fuck up?" Jack retaliated, earning himself a few giggles from Freddie's part. 

And that was the official beginning of our road trip.


~ ALEX ~ 

"No," she said for the thousandth time. "I will not sing with you, Alex. It's out of the question, stop insisting." 





"Ugh," I murmured in defeat. It was now midnight and I didn't exactly want her waking up our bus mates, so I decided to give up. 

Due to us being in the kitchen and Jack and Freddie asleep together in the living area only a couple of meters away from us, we couldn't exactly be loud. 

Jack had given his bed, the one next to mine, to Flo and taken over the huge chaise with his significant other. Erika was sleeping in my bed with me, and I can't say it wasn't a tight space. But neither of us was complaining. 

I then decided to try my next strategy to get Erika to sing with me - threat. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to drag you onto the stage and make you sing," I smirked. 



And before I could retaliate, she slapped me across the face, shot me a fake smile and walked into the bunk room, flipping me off. 

A few minutes later, she poked her head out the door, and found me to be standing in the exact same position as I was before - my hand holding my face, my jaw nearly on the floor. She looked carelessly beautiful with her hair in a low ponytail and no makeup. She now wore her tiny Wonder Woman shirt, a pair of transparent white underwear, and a defeated scowl on her face. 

"It's cold, come cuddle." 

Knowing that those four words signified that I'd just won an argument with the unrelenting queen of sass, I smirked quietly, left my clothes in the middle of the kitchen, and lay in bed next to Erika, her boobs pressing against my stomach, when I realized I hadn't had sex in forever. 

Obviously the thought of sex led to the thought of sex with Erika, and that led to a raging boner. 

"Alex," Erika trailed off, most likely feeling my hard-on against her vagina. 

Stop Alex, you're not helping yourself...

"Sorry," I said. "I haven't-" 

"Me neither," she said, knowing what I meant. "Maybe I can, you know... Help you out?" 

Instead of replying, I kissed her deeply, walking my hands down her back and settling them on her butt. In turn, her hand trailed down my body and onto the very place where it was long overdue. 

"Alex!" someone screamed. I lifted my head off of my pillow and, hitting my head against the bed frame above mine, realized the whole thing was a dream. 

"You might wanna stop the happy noises now," Florence snickered. "Wet dreams aren't fun if you're sharing a bed." 

Because of her crude humor, despite the fact that it was all at my expense, I decided to go ahead and like the girl. 

"Mention this to Erika and I will throw you out the window," I said, half-serious, half-joking. 

"I don't think I'll need to mention anything," she whispered, stifling a fit of giggles as she looked pointedly behind me. 

I looked over my shoulder and realized Erika was sitting awake right next to me, an overly innocent look plastered all over her face as she said, "What was with all the ass-grabbing, by the way?"

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