4. The Daltons

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What Mia didn't know is that it was Joseph who answered her phone not knowing her- even though he meant to save her number the night before. She overheard him shouting at his brother and father after seeing more than 76 ladies for what they had in mind the day before.
The job was advertised as an office manager; but in reality, the job was being a wife to the angry, furious hard-headed, steel-hearted Joseph. His father wasn't at all approving of his sleeping around with terrible women, each of them wanting to hunt him as a husband.
He felt sorry for his son who was so in love with his charming wife having what seemed like a most perfect life; till she decided to sleep around with other men, Josef never believed what people said about her. His Dad made him divorce her after she ran away leaving behind their three children.
Joseph has been for the last three years unable to get over her running away or the fact that he trusted her and loved her endlessly, thinking that she was the best thing that ever happened to him. This made him a very cruel person who had no place in his heart or mind to tolerate anything or anyone who disagrees with him.

This time his father threatened him that he will have to marry and stop sleeping around or he will never speak to him again. Joseph's love and respect for his Dad were beyond any dispute. His younger brother David suggested that he meets new women, and they can fix him with suitable ladies, which Joseph completely refused. He agreed with them on this stupid idea of putting an Ad telling them "i will give this, two days max. Then I will take the whole thing out of my mind".
Dan; his dad & David decided to put the same Ad on Facebook & LinkedIn jobs which will get the ladies to apply because of the extremely good salary and benefits; as stated on the Ad.

They assigned the HR department of their firm to screen the ladies' applications and only present to them the ones of certain criteria of age, status, education – preferably no kids.
They thought it would be an easy job, but yesterday alone they saw 76 women, which Joseph didn't like any of them. Today they saw 50 already and there were another fifty something waiting. Joseph was becoming very impatient when his brother handed him Mia's CV out of the whole lot!!
David: check this one out. I like her photo and how she smiles. Wait, I will look her up on social media.
Joseph didn't believe that Mia's file drew his brother's attention after his father the day before but didn't want to tell them anything of what he did, he acted cold as if reading for the first time: she looks different than the majority. She holds a master's degree. Have been working in very reputable organizations. A widow. But she seems to be overqualified. Why would she apply to this job? Something isn't right.
David: Wow, Joseph, check this out. She has amazing photos with lots of people, check this. Seems that's her husband. They look cute together. I will check her comments & posts.
Joseph took time to go through all possible details & photos of her: she seems to be too good to be true. I don't like this. Are you sure you told HR we can't have someone with kids?? She has lots of photos with kids.
David: Yeah, positive. Even she wrote widow in her CV but no mention of kids.
Dan interrupted: I too like her. But we have to choose carefully
Joseph: Dad, I've been sitting here meeting all these bixxxs who were obviously coming to be fuxxd not work and I've been really putting up with this for you.
Dan was starting to shout and David giving advices to be patient, so he won't fall in another disaster of a wife
Joseph felt so angry and so pressured while he thought his dad would drop the idea, but apparently, he wasn't, which really made him furious. As they were still arguing with high voices; his phone rang & he picked up automatically while still speaking, blinded by his anger: guys, just a second. I did what you wanted. Get any fxxxing bixxh you want and i will get it done- i don't care anymore. Anything will do!
She was on speaker while Dan & David heard the conversation and how she blew in his face and David was laughing his head out that someone stood up to his brother! This hardly happens. He scares people most of the time.
After she hung up, Joseph was so furious and asked his brother to look up this caller's number; he had to know her name. David searched the number on his laptop and his jaw dropped when he realized that it was Mia – the lady they had just been talking about seconds before the call. Joseph didn't believe it. What's the odds of this happening? He always believed in the law of attraction. But this was beyond belief!!
David: We have to see her, Joseph. We have to see her. I will call her.
Joseph not wanting to meet her, she seemed to him to be arrogant and full of herself: she's rude and daring. You won't call her of course.
Dan: I like her, Joseph. You will not settle with an empty-headed. We have to find your match.
David picked up the phone and called Mia. Then called her again to offer that the driver takes her car. When she refused, he said: not only bold, but hard headed and independent as well. Wow bro!
Joseph looked furiously at him while he was laughing and Dan smiling.
Dan: David, a girl like her will not wait for her turn while 50 other ladies are waiting out. Ask the PA to bring her in, once she comes up.
Joseph was getting too annoyed and really not wanting to meet her: no dad – this will make her feel we are giving her special treatment. We shouldn't
David not waiting & calling the PA: what do you mean she left??! Oh God.
David looked at them: you were right dad. She asked if all these people would be meeting the same panel, then she left.
Joseph was feeling relieved from the threat that he likes her if they meet, he already liked hearing about her from the detective: too bad for her. Let's see the others – I really cannot have this still going tomorrow. Pick one now. Today. And we have it done & finished.
Dan: David, call her and tell her we will meet her immediately once she arrives.
David: Mrs. Mia, we are waiting for you, you wanna step in our office please?
Mia: oh, sounds perfect. I went to get myself coffee when I saw I had to wait for all the people who arrived before me. Can I get you something?
Joseph answered while her call was on speaker- he was hoping that this will scare her: i want a double espresso – extra strong.
David & Dan stared at him while Mia answered casually: sure, only if you say please.
They burst into laughter including Mia who was thinking to herself bitterly; what am I doing here?
David quickly said: of course, please Ms. Mia- if it's not too much trouble.
Mia: No worries. See you!

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