27. Divorce

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Her knees were shaking as she entered the Family Court, walking up the staircase, as if it was the longest, she needed to climb.
Her Mom was beside her and so was Tom. The man who silently admired her but never said a word.

At the corridor Dan & David were standing with a person she thought must be Joseph's lawyer. It's good there's no sign of Joseph. It's weird enough he filed for this divorce rather than just amicably have it done!
David went immediately and hugged her then Dan did the same: Hi Mia!
Mia: Hi Dad. Do I still get to call you that?
Dan put his arm around her shoulder: Always Mia. Always!
They also greeted her Mom warmly and introduced them to the lawyer. They were joined by Tom's colleague specializing in family issues; even if it wasn't his domain, Tom still wanted to be always there for her, he took over assigning the other Family Lawyer & following up the case with him on her behalf.
The lawyers were saying that the case won't take long as it's a matter of finalizing formalities while Mia's face showed sadness.

All eyes were directed to the corridor behind Mia when David said: shoot; why has Sue come with Joseph?!
Mia's heart missed a beat. She wasn't ready to see Joseph; let alone seeing them together. She prayed silently; "God please don't let me make a fool out of myself, that's so hard... we break today the last thread between us". She still didn't turn and changed the look on her face to the strong indifferent one.
Joseph came sweetly and kissed her Mommy while she nodded to him and Sue coldly. She pretended to be asking her lawyer about something when he understood she needed to walk away, so he gladly did. He was ready to keep talking to her for hours! Maybe she will notice and understand his feelings!

Judge Jefferson passed by to enter the courtroom but stopped to say Hi to Mia wondering what she was doing here
Judge Jefferson: Mia, Hi. What brings you here
Tom: your honor we are the first case on your roll today
Judge looking surprised: yeah of course E. Martin. I didn't relate. Joseph Dalton was your husband

Mia's face was so sad as the judges said "was" not "is". She wondered why even this makes her sad, she nodded as she looked down.
Judge Jefferson: ok. I will see you inside then
Judge Jefferson then greeted Dan as he passed by, asking him with a low voice: I didn't know that Joseph and Mia were getting a divorce Dan. I've just remembered I was at their wedding!!

Joseph approached and greeted the judge while Sue was starting to be angry at the "Mia being everyone's favorite" she's been seeing all around!

Sue: Well, how you know Mia, your honor. You know she's not all perfect as you think. Instead of being reasonable and finishing the divorce easily she made Joseph file for a court case
Judge Jefferson: sounds very unlike her. We are in a charity project and work closely actually with Dan. But you surprise me with her filing a case. Don't know what her reasons could be!
Sue was getting happy and felt she scored early: I'm sure you won't let your personal connection get in the way of doing your job right??
Judge Jefferson looked so shocked at this stupid remark: how can you say something so stupid??? Who's that Joseph??
Joseph's lawyer: apologies your honor; I assure you she meant no disrespect of any sort
Dan: Sorry Jeff. Please accept my personal apology.
Judge Jefferson: she'd better not show up in my court!! I would have her taken to jail for her inappropriate remark
Joseph: she won't, your honor. I'm very sorry for that, no one can ever question your integrity.
Josef took Sue to a side corridor and scolded her for her stupid remark!

Mia, her Mom, Tom & David were watching from across the corridor
Tom: This can't be good. The Judge would most probably ask for, change of judges. She's so stupid and rude. How could Joseph fall for someone like that!!
Tom realized he spoke openly in front of David who smiled: don't be embarrassed, I'm asking myself the same question every day. So Sis... I see you are not wasting any time?? You're shining Mia!!
Mia smiled whispering so no one can hear but David: keeping myself so busy so I won't realize how broken I am Dave!!
He petted her shoulder.

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