9. Unwritten Contract

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Mia couldn't believe herself when she opened her eyes to find herself wrapped in his arms. He slept over?? He held her throughout the night?? Why did he do that. Why didn't he leave. I'm not even married to him and he thinks it's ok he imposes himself this way!!
He felt her move and instead of opening his eyes; he pulled her close and got over her when she started to protest "Joseph, no. Get off me."
Joseph was laughing at her panic: hush, we need to know if we get along sexually. He said as he was kissing her neck. Her voice was getting weaker at his touch as he pinned her both hands beside her head with his; kissing her softly whispering: I want you now... was holding myself all night long!
She was completely powerless as her breathing was getting heavier at his hungry lips that were slowly kissing down her neck.
He froze suddenly when an idea hit him: did you & your husband do it on this couch before?
Mia was offended, originally with his trying to take advantage of her weakness & now more offended that he's suggesting that he won't touch her in the same place she & her husband might have been before.

She only slipped from under him as he was frozen, and his anger was building up.
Mia stood in front of him with frozen tears: don't ever try to play stupid again. Now get out of this house. How dare you treat me like that.
Joseph stood and came near her with his hand on his waist: get used to this. I will take you and do what I want at any time I feel like it. You are mine. You just signed to this yesterday.
She sat on the couch in disbelief on how he changed from last night: so that's your real face!! Not the one you were wearing when you were trying to play soft last night??
Joseph felt angry and wanted to prove to her that yesterday was an exception, he smiled so coldly: you are a naive inexperienced little girl. Did you think I'd fall in love with you in a day? I thought you had some sense in your head!
Mia felt so insulted: you are so blinded by arrogance and stupidity Joseph; I would never think that you are capable of love. That didn't even cross my mind. I only thought you were trying to be at least civilized about the contract. But even this you are incapable of. Now get out of my house and I prefer we do not meet till this horrible day which is supposed to be our wedding!

She stood firm and maintained her pretend confidence when he put on his shoes and passed beside her grabbing her again in his arms: stop this nonsense. I only stopped as I suddenly lost interest while you were dying for me. You come to my house at 6. I have to introduce you to the kids and agree on the wedding date. You better be there on time. For your own sake!
He pushed her back on the couch and left the house as she was still looking at his image leaving the house and falling into deep sadness. "Mia this is a nightmare, how did you sign. How can you get out of this? I don't want to see him ever again. I cannot see myself living with him. The mere idea of him making love to me just kills me".

Mia dragged herself to the kitchen and made coffee. Promised herself to sit calm and try to reason this whole thing; when her head didn't reach any logical settlement; she promised herself to ensure that he's the one who says he doesn't want her. He has to hate her.
She was dragged from her angry ideas by her lawyer calling her: morning Mrs. Mia, how are you? Are we ready for the settlement in court?"
Mia: Morning Mr Tom; i was actually planning to call you but didn't want to ring early
Tom: Actually, Mr Dalton woke me up and he told me that the money is ready for the settlement today as we agreed with the judge. You are ready, aren't you??
Mia was getting angry that he still was directing things and matters of her life: yeah, i guess i can settle an amount today. Just a second, let me check something
Mia reached into her bag and got the cheque out, she was shocked that he gave her the exact amount the judge requested to close the case "Gosh this man, anyhow" she replied calmly: Yes Mr Tom, i can pass by the bank and meet you at court. What time?
She hung up with the lawyer but was extremely upset; he's insisting on doing things his way. I honestly hate that. Plus; didn't he say I will have a considerable amount? It was even written in the contract. She went to check the contract again while she made herself a second coffee. Yes, it was clear. She was supposed to get half of the amount at the beginning, salary, and the rest of the amount at the end!! Oh God, how I wish I could take this cheque back to him along with the contract and throw them in his face and undo the whole thing! Is that even possible??

After she settled the money at the court, she stood with the clearance statement with a tear dropping as she read that all cases are now settled and her and her husband's names were cleared.

Tom was looking at her, with eyes full of admiration: Mia, you did a great thing. That's very special. Men live and die and wouldn't find a woman like you keeping their names and their honor intact!
He was looking very fondly at her when his phone rang: Hi Mr Joseph. Yeah. We finished everything. Yeah, she is here. You wanna talk to her?
Mia waived no when she heard him say: fine then. It was good making business with you.
Tom looked embarrassed: it seems he's busy and will call you later.
Mia just kept thinking how she hates Joseph.

She went to her Mom and told her the good news but had to lie and tell her that she met a man and had been seeing each other and wanted her to see him. Her mother was jumping with happiness; two good news, same day! Her daughter, who has the purest heart in the world, cleared her husband's name and is now meeting someone. For long, she thought she was too heartbroken to do that.
Mia left her Mom's house fast; she was so worried that her happy mask would fall off and she cannot do that to her Mom. She cried in her car; unable to start the engine when it hit her that time was getting closer to her appointment with Joseph, her stomach formed knots. She took out her phone and called David, whom she saved his number on the day before: Hi David.
David's voice came cheerful from the end of the line: Hey Sis. How are you today?
Mia: trying to be fine David. Trying. Anyways, can you hear me well, i feel I'm on speaker??
David: yeah sorry, I'm having a quick bite & i opened the loudspeaker. What's wrong Mia, tell me!
Mia was still so emotional: the whole thing is wrong. The whole thing. I'm praying he hates me too much before the wedding and calls off this whole nightmare of a contract.

Her voice was shaky as she was trying to cover that she has been crying: anyhow David please; how old are his children, boys girls, what?
David: ah. You are supposed to see them in a couple of hours, right? There's Tim 7, Kevin 5 & Joanna 3 years.
Mia: ok thanks David. Will you be there?
David: wasn't planning really. I guess Joseph will want you to himself.
Mia felt more scared when she remembered Joseph taking her under him in the morning but didn't say anything to David & hung up.
She headed to a toyshop and brought 3 gifts to the three kids; 2 sets of Legos to the boys; and a cute doll to the girl. She wrapped them beautifully & went home and got ready.
Joseph called her and was so cold saying that he will send the driver to pick her up and she shouldn't eat; as they will dine together.
She again hated his commanding tone, but she had no appetite at all, in all cases. She was dressed in nice black classic pants and a simple turquoise top under the short trendy blazer. She wanted to look more official than cute. She can't get misunderstood by this man. After all she was already worried, she's in his house!

The driver picked her up and she was on time taking the elevator up to Joseph's apartment, he opened the door with the two boys while behind him there was a nanny carrying Joanna.
Joseph ignored her stretched hand and took her directly in his arms kissing her lips, before she was able to protest. His lips were warm, and his arms made her feel...Safe, strangely safe!!
The kiss wasn't short. She thought it was perfect. Like the one from last night. With the same effect that makes her knees go weak. She stepped out of his arms and said "hi" smiling to the two boys kneeling to reach their level. They smiled and ran in the house.
Joseph showed her into a living room & asked her if she wanted to spend half an hour with the boys before their bedtime; then they dined. She smiled and nodded: you already have it all planned and timed in your head. He smiled back; a cold smile.
She gave the presents to the boys who were jumping and trying to tell her things but all at the same moment, but she couldn't understand what they were telling her, Joseph was looking at them smiling, she loved his smile, it came originally from his eyes reaching his lips. She thought that this was the only genuine smile she saw on his face since they met, the boys were still speaking, and she just laughed with them as she opened the boxes, and they were so excited. Tim loved his Lego and immediately started to put it together. Kevin was throwing the pieces in the air laughing so much.
Mia asked Joseph if it was OK to carry Joanna; but he said coldly "No, it's best her Nanny keeps her" Mia felt offended. It was as if she would hurt the baby? She ignored him and opened the box and handed the doll to the baby whose face beamed at the doll and took it with joy.
Joseph insisted that the boys hug Mia and kiss her goodnight – which was even more puzzling to Mia who never made a child kiss or hug her unless they wanted to. She took Joanna's little hand and kissed it before they all disappeared in their rooms with their nannies.

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