5. The Meeting

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She reached the counter at the coffee bar and asked for the two coffees and paid and went up. She actually asked the Barista to put the espresso in a double cup, so it won't go cold till she reached.
She went up & this time the PA showed her into the office immediately; Mia asked the PA if she could take the espresso to the gentleman (she didn't want to go in holding it for him- she always had to set lines and rules her way).
Mia went in; she headed first to the table and put her stuff & coffee to free her hands; walked gracefully towards the oldest in the room who stood and shook her hand; second person who stood was David, saying his name – third person holding the espresso sat arrogantly crossed legged; she nodded to him from far and gave him her back and sat on the meeting table.
Joseph didn't believe how lovely she looked in real; none of the photos showed her peaceful beauty. She wasn't tall, but her confidence & elegance gave her charm.
Dan: so, Mia. Would you like to sit here on this chair in front of us, and of course bring your coffee; I'd rather keep the discussion informal, so we get to know you better.
Mia: ok. First thing, is the person who replied to me earlier one of your HR team? To be very honest, I was not at all impressed by the way he spoke about women, while I was waiting.
David was feeling his brother getting ready to snap: I explained to you that this is not how we see our colleagues. Please tell us about you Mia
Mia: Very well, I've been working for the past 11 years in different organizations in different posts and the last job I was their operation manager heading a team of 7 managers.
Joseph straight to the point, wanting to push to provoke her so he'd see her ugly side: why are you applying to a downgrading job? Doesn't go with your snobby attitude!
Mia didn't like his cold indifferent voice: preferably of course, I would have applied to a similar job as my latest– but these don't come every day. I also saw the pay and benefits; it's almost as close as my previous salary.
Joseph: why did you leave your last job & when?
Mia: only last month; the project I handled was finalized and nothing was ready in the pipelines, so they had to close my box. To be honest, my plan is if things go well on both sides; I will sign a year's contract and we will see after a year; whether you have a vacancy for a better post for me or I find a better job and I will of course stick to our one months' notice. Look, I'm being very honest and open on how I see this job.
Dan: you became a widow, when?
Mia controlled her face to keep it emotions-free: three years ago.
Joseph: How long have you been married? Do you have kids?
Mia still not liking the guy: 7 years – no we didn't have kids unfortunately.
David rather sad: why?
His father & Joseph stared at his stupid question while Mia tried to respond indifferently: it didn't happen.
Dan: why do i feel Mia, that you are not very convinced with the Job, but you still applied.
Mia smiled bitterly: to be honest i need to have a good pay for the full next year at least. I can find other jobs but with less salary. Which I'm not at liberty to accept right now.
Joseph again was trying to corner her; he was sure that she would start moaning about her bad luck and burst into tears: what trouble are you in. It shows in your face.
Mia was annoyed he saw that; specially he didn't say it with any sort of kindness: nothing that will affect my job. I guess that's all you need to know.
Dan & David were looking at Joseph as she again dared him directly, then Dan spoke before Joseph exploded at her: but Mia we are mainly concerned with the fact that you seem to be in a sort of trouble, and we were hoping we can help.
Mia's eyes got softer: that's very kind of you. Nothing I cannot handle – if I felt I needed help I might tell you. If I get the job, I mean!
Joseph was furious at her; they are telling her they can help, and she says, "i might tell", he was getting so annoyed and impatient and insisting to push her till her ugly face comes out; "fine, what if you know that the job is not an office manager at the office, it will be at home including sex"
The father & David didn't believe their ears. Mia jumped out of her seat and started collecting her things quickly to leave the room without a word.
His father snapped at him: Joseph, for God's sake, can you please wait; she really seems to be a good candidate.
Mia looked at them in disbelief; when David went towards her to ask her not to panic and they will tell her as there is a very logical explanation to all this.
Mia's face was full of resentment and stood in a very solid, contained posture while David blocked her way: I'm afraid nothing you can say can be acceptable to me at any point. Please let me go & we don't waste each other's time.
Dan spoke slowly but firmly: first I apologize for Joseph's unselected words. We were actually looking for a wife for him. A legally married wife. Nothing indecent or improper.
Mia smiled bitterly: for him? I doubted it was him over the phone but now I'm positive. I pull out. Good luck to you guys. But not me, not in a million years.

The father was getting angry: please have a seat; I'm not finished.
Mia didn't sit but put her laptop and things on the table while she stood by the door: out of respect to you Mr Dalton; I will hear you out for another two minutes max. Please be kind to tell me how and why you think I can, at all, help with this issue?
Dan: My son is divorced for three years now. He has three amazing kids, and we want him to pick up on his life and move ahead. His work commitments are not giving him the space of time to look and find a partner; that's why we came up with the idea of the Ad – but of course we didn't mention the marriage issue. Your file was one of the most attractive and you meet all the criteria we set. The person will be part of our family with full respect and privileges of our family members- and of course she will bear all responsibilities as a wife of Joseph's. Not the children, you don't have to. They are well taken care of. Each has a very qualified Nanny and I personally and their father and uncle are taking personal care of them.
Mia was trying to be as sensible as possible to this unrealistic offer: well, thank you Mr Dalton for your explanation, I do appreciate your going far to tell me all your family's challenges. But I'm very honest when I tell you I'm not the one. I cannot see myself remarrying at all. And in particular for someone who has no interest in me as a person. You see Mr Dalton, I was loved and cherished once and I had a good life with my husband. I cannot accept this connection. This is the real downgrading – not taking a less senior job. I'm sorry honestly. For you in particular. I see how much you love him, and you want to do anything possible to make him happy. He's very lucky with a Dad like you.
– she paused – now, if you will excuse me.

Joseph was so furious when he approached her and stood near- thinking nothing will bend her: you understand that your being cold, arrogant, full of yourself and playing hard to get won't get you anywhere??
Mia smiled to hide her anger while repeating his words: cold, arrogant, full of yourself... are you talking to me, or to yourself in a mirror.
David burst into laughter making Mia too start laughing as she lost her point completely. Even Dan smiled and said: stop it guys. Mia, can you at least come see the children and spend a day with Joseph?
Joseph angirly: Dad, I don't want her. Let her go.
Mia stepped closer to him looking straight in his eyes in a challenging manner: breathe Joseph... I don't want you equally if not more.
Joseph looked annoyed at her but was wanting her so badly by now, he whispered desperately: even if you know I'm a cancer patient?? Even if you know the doctors are not sure of my chances??

Mia's face changed in a second and felt pain in her heart: wha... What do you mean.?
David backing him up: Mia, at least think about it. We need you to...
Joseph got angry at his brother but decided to attract her by offering money she needs for her financial issue: no, we do not need her. Listen, the offer is as you heard. If that will be helpful to your problems; whatever it is. A good amount of money can be paid in advance.
Mia got so angry, it showed in her eyes: it's not about the money or my issues. Please try to be a little delicate. It's not a competition of who's being more inconsiderate and arrogant.
Joseph was standing very close to her with his hand on his waist when her heart dropped at the way he looked into her eyes then her lips. She wanted so much to step back but decided to hold her ground and raised her head up even when her eyes showed weakness at the effect of his look.

Mia then moved past him and spoke to his Dad: I will try to think about it and tell you tomorrow. I will go now if that is all.
She left while the three of them were looking at her, closing the door behind her.
Dan was so annoyed and asked Joseph: why did you say that – she will not like that you lied to her. Don't do that son. Don't build your new life on lies!
Joseph: You saw her; she is a perfectionist. Righteousness is the only thing that will trigger her to accept this marriage. If I personally don't agree with the whole thing; how can we get a jewel like her to agree?
Joseph was looking at the sky from the window when he said that. David looked at his dad in disbelief that he even liked her.

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