13. Married life

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Mia was standing in the living room of the kids' apartment. She was right the first time she came to the house; the place is two big apartments connected together. Joseph made one apartment for the kids and their nannies with a separate kitchen, living room. And a cozy dining for them all; they managed to add a chair for Mia as well. While the other apartment was for her & Joseph alone. It was kept very private for them.
She loved the kids so much, and somehow, they loved her when Joseph told them that she's his best friend and that she will live with them in the other apartment. They were young and didn't ask many questions specially when Mia was making sure they are always entertained when she's around. Of course Tim who's seven had many questions but Joseph managed him.
Mia wanted to put a system for evenings; so she started each night with something different to test the ideas. Nannies would be in their rooms resting while Joseph, Mia & the kids would sit together in their living room.
Nannies loved her for their private time; they never had it before.
"she is always very considerate to us, always being kind and warm" they were telling each other.

Nanny Daisy was their oldest, she liked Mia a lot and was becoming her main supporter in the house. She was telling the other two Nannies "Mia was so different from the kids' Mom. Who hardly spoke to any of us without shouting and ordering us to take the kids with their crying and nagging away from her"!!
Mia cared genuinely for the kids. Daisy felt bad for this stupid moment when she bluntly asked Mia how come she doesn't have kids of her own. She regretted so much when she saw the pain this caused Mia and it immediately showed in her eyes and face. Mia tried to smile and let it go quickly, but Daisy felt so bad.

Joseph wanted to know why Mia is insisting to spend all evenings with the kids; she told him that it was very normal in all houses and all families. That's how we get to spend time together. He looked at her and for some reason didn't mind trying. He thought she would get tired after a couple of nights so why not let her try.

There were board-games nights, Meccano nights, Lego nights, story reading nights, animated movie nights, video games are allowed only once a week while weekends have outdoor activities.
Joseph couldn't believe how the kids were really managed and before two weeks they were adjusting to this. Their Nannies were only called to take them to bed at the end of each evening.
For Mia; story nights were the best; she would get nice stories and have the whole family to sit on the floor with her and Joseph resting their back on the lower part of the living room couch. The two boys sticking to the sides of Joseph; left and right, while little Joanna sitting on Mia's lap.
Joseph tried to escape reading at the beginning, but then started liking it, the boys would be so happy with the story asking tens of questions while Mia and Joseph laughing and trying to keep up with their imagination. Usually Joanna sleeps before the end of the story. Then Nannies come to take everyone to bed. While Joseph and Mia disappear in their apartment.
That night after dinner, Joseph told Mia: what was with them tonight!! They were hyperactive!! Honestly, it was too much. Very tiring. I would manage a room with 20 managers easier than managing these kids
Mia laughing: but it's so much fun. Didn't you see how they loved it? They miss you Joseph. I feel it. You are their hero, and they want to be around you.
Joseph's eyes were filled with sadness, as he remembered how he left them for long to his Dad when he was trying to find his own balance.
Mia noticed his eyes: listen. I have a magical  potion for your case. Wanna try it?
Joseph looked so amused: magical potion. What do you have in mind?
He looked at her neck, collarbone and approached her when she stepped back in an uncalculated reaction other than he misunderstood her: Joseph. I was thinking of a nice drink to relax you a bit. I see your shoulders and neck are so tense.
Joseph coldly: whatever. Ok. Bedroom?
Mia: living room; I will get the glasses and join you in a second.
She went to the kitchen, fixed two of her favorite drink; Ricard with ice and little water; took a small plate of olives and cherry tomatoes on a tray and went to the living room.
He was watching her while she lit a candle and some music dimmed the lights a bit. They sat drinking while she was singing along with the song.
He was thinking that this was a bit naive and silly unless she's putting him in the mood for sex later?? Then he looked at the normal silk PJ she was wearing, and completely rolled off the idea.
Mia felt his thoughts: Hush Joseph. stop these racing thoughts in your head. Try to learn to relax and ease the pace a little. Your days don't have to be boxes of assignments to be ticked off. Learn to slow down and enjoy the moment
Joseph: Why are you saying that? I enjoy things my way.
Mia smiling daring him: are you even here? Now?? I can tell from your eyes you are not. You are thinking of later, or tomorrow, or next week or suddenly when your eyes are clouded with sadness, you are in the yesterday.
Joseph was so shocked with what she said. And gave her quite a scary look and wanted to shout that she doesn't know what she's talking about. When she stood behind him, making him bend to the front a bit and started massaging his neck that was really so tense and shoulders even worse: close your eyes Joseph. Let go, stop thinking of what you will say to intimidate or scare me off.
He smiled and closed his eyes. She sees him. Sees deeply into him. It should make him happy; but he felt threatened
Mia: You are still fighting. Anyways, I'm done with my drink. I guess I need another. Wanna one?
Joseph sipping what's left of his glass: only if you let me have it in the bedroom, I'm becoming too tired.
Mia narrowed her eyes on him and answered angrily: fine.
She took the tray back to the kitchen and fixed two glasses and went to the bedroom. He was already leaving the shower. She took her glass and went to shower and change. She drank slowly and showered slowly. Second glass was also finished faster than she wanted.
When she went to the room; he was standing by the window. He saw her coming out in a beautiful light blue strappy nightgown and she smelled beautifully.
Joseph: You smell nice.
Mia looked down at his charming smile: thanks. Where have you reached with your thoughts?
Joseph not wanting to answer her; reached to her waist: wanna make love?
Mia was shocked at his direct question: of course not. If that's how you ask!
He was shocked and she wanted to take back her blunt answer: I mean. Sorry. I guess I was offended by how you said it!
She smiled, confessing: well, alcohol makes me a bit more honest rather than diplomatic. Ricard's fault, not mine.
He smiled: I've seen worse. Much worse. If you only become more honest. That's fine with me.
Mia: I'll tell you what. I'm in a playful mood, and we don't really know much about each other, wanna try it?
Joseph was feeling curious: tell me.
Mia: You tell me one thing you like and I say one thing I like, then things we do not like – in turns.
Joseph smiled & thought to himself I will turn this game against her completely: I like that. Any conditions or restrictions?
Mia not knowing what he's up to: just to please you, no conditions or restrictions.
Joseph: fine, you start
Mia: I liked the person you were on our honeymoon.
Joseph smiled wickedly: I liked taking off your wedding dress, making you completely naked the minute we came in here.
Mia blushed: hey. You're taking the game in the wrong direction. We don't do that.
Joseph laughed: play Mia. We said no restrictions.
Mia laughing: no. We set new rules; we don't speak of things that makes me blush
Joseph amused: too late – rules were already set, and you cannot change in the middle of the game.
Mia wanted to keep track of the direction of this dangerous game now, but wanted to annoy him equally, she smiled: fine, but at least be tactful about it. Emm. I didn't like you didn't want to wait that day.
Joseph: I don't like how your body is so tense when we are together in bed since we returned from Egypt. Every time!
Mia blushed even more: I like when you stay with me in bed, and you hold me after we...
Joseph got near her, took her hands and raised them above her head pushing her to the wall: I like how your lips react to mine when I kiss you. How your body gets so weak and melts in my arms.
Mia: Joseph... I'm... I...
He squeezed her against the wall kissing her neck: this game turned me on so much. I want to play more...
He turned her making her back in his chest: do you like it when I touch here (taking her breast in his palm and carefully cupping with little pressure)
She nodded and moved herself to face him, licking his neck moving to lick his ear: you like?
Joseph was building up a huge desire but wanted to continue with this amazing game; he pushed himself into her g-spot, locating it so precisely that she gasped: you like Mia?
She took off his shorts and his top touching him softly, then grabbing it in and out with her hand: you like?
He moaned at the intense feeling of getting large and hot: I love that Mia.
He turned her again while she still had his fullness massaging & squeezing it in & out her palm. He took off her lingerie letting it fall on the floor while having one of her hot pointy breasts in one hand and caressing her bikini area with the other hand going softly deep and shallow: you like?
Mia was unable to speak or breathe; she kept the rhythmic movement on his fullness which was driving him crazy as much as he was driving her crazy with his two very experienced hands.
Joseph whispered: come Mia. Don't hold yourself.
She was really trying to hold herself: I like together Joseph... together.
He took her to the bed edge, made her sit back then he started to push himself inside her while standing. There was so much pressure while he held her legs open pinning himself exactly where he & she wanted.
It was amazing to the two of them. After all they were still discovering each other and how to please each other.

In the morning as he was trying to open his eyes. Mia rolled and put her head on his chest. He wrapped her shoulders getting her close to kiss her head: this – I like, Mia
She smiled and pulled back, completely embarrassed; he took her back: wha?... What Mia? You don't like?
She laughed: stop it Joseph. I'm very embarrassed. You know I'm shy ... and yesterday... it was...
He laughed, grabbed & rolled on top of her: are you embarrassed really? We will drink Ricard & play this game every single night.
He said that opening her leg, pushing his fullness into her, while kissing her so passionately: Mia, you turn me on, so much.
She closed her eyes, started licking his ear and his neck, touching his back with her hands, circling his body with her legs pushing him in: you like Joseph?
He answered her between his uneven heavy breathing: I love Mia. I love that.

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