29. Flu

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Mia was missing Joseph far too much, but she never had the heart to call him. It was enough that she would accidently have some updates from David or Dan about how miserable he was. She was able to speak to the kids through their Nannies, but always felt they were not happy! Tim kept asking her when will they go home? Our home Mia?!

Many times she questioned herself, why he disappeared or how he expected her to keep holding on when that last time she saw him was already three months ago. It was so hard!
Eventually, she was hit and got blinded by one thought; he must have failed to keep his promise to her. She was so sad.
She was unable to keep her strength and simply disappeared into her house for two days.
When everyone was searching for her, the only call she answered was her mom, who told her that everyone is searching for her. Mia told her she had a flu and there's nothing to worry about.
Joseph knew from his Dad & David about this strange flu and his heart dropped; he knew it was his fault. He didn't care if he blew his very well-kept cover or not! He decided to go see her at any cost. He asked David that they go and see her, not call... She will have to open the door: I have to see her David, I know she needs me and will be at her lowest now!

Once they arrived at her house, she opened the door and hugged David. She froze when she saw Joseph dressed in a hooded jumper with dark red roses in his hand. She couldn't help smiling as he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her lips: "I've missed you butterfly. What's wrong with my strong baby. What's wrong with you?!
Tom's voice came from behind her: she's fine Joseph, you don't need to worry about her.

Mia ignored the frozen look on Joseph & David faces and took their arms pushing them to go and sit at the reception of her house: I was going to make us a coffee; will you come help me Joseph please?
He didn't even say hi to Tom as he followed Mia to the kitchen. He held her warmly kissing her lips passionately whispering that he missed her. She was still trying to open her eyes when he kissed her forehead and kept moving his arms around her back, soothing her worried head and heart.
She stepped back trying to control herself thinking of Sue. But didn't say anything, just kept smiling at his warm eyes.
Joseph couldn't help being eaten with jealousy: what is he doing here Mia. Why is Tom here?
Mia was offended: he's just reached the house Joseph. He's doing nothing, and I'm not going to defend myself against stupid accusations in your head. At least not to you, while you have this woman in your arms every single night when I'm suffering like a fool hanging with a thread of a promise given three months ago!
She spoke forcefully with all her pain in one go, while Joseph was torn. If he should be happy, she feels so strongly for him or he feels sad, she's in so much pain and her heart is eaten with jealousy!
He approached her and held her in his arms: I miss you Mia. I miss our life. I know you won't believe it, but I miss even our fights; the fierce strong woman who always stood up to her beliefs no matter what!
Mia was so hurt and didn't want to be affected by his power over her this time: Joseph please; for the past three days; all that came to my mind was that I was becoming the "other woman". Not the wife anymore. Am I becoming the one taking you away from your wife and kids? I cannot live that. I'm glad you came because I didn't know how to tell you that I think it's only right to free you from your promise. Whatever you meant when you gave me that promise it cannot be right. Not to you, not to the kids and certainly not to me.
Joseph was so shocked but kept her in his arms: no Mia. I don't want to be freed from this promise. We will be together. You are my wife, the only one I want. Please Mia, I'm almost there. Don't give up on me now!
Mia: Stop holding me Joseph. Stop kissing me. I feel I'm stealing you.
Joseph was only tightening his grip around her: I'm the one who's stealing you from the world. (he paused – then he felt he had to ask her directly, as he released her from his arms) do you love him Mia. Please tell me!
Mia was furious: love who, Joseph. What are you talking about?
Joseph: Tom. Don't tell me you didn't notice how he looks at you?
At this second Tom & David came to the kitchen to see what's keeping them.
Tom: Of course I love her, Joseph. What's your business? You spoiled her life far too much to even have any right to ask her that. Your divorce is a matter of time. If you ever loved her; you would have understood what a bad effect you have been on her and her life! She only started shining after you left her, and you dare to come today and try to control her life again?!

Mia was shocked at what Tom said. She feared that the angry look on Joseph's face doesn't indicate that this will end well: Tom please. I need to speak to Joseph alone on that. And honestly, I'm shocked you say you have feelings for me?? Where did that come from?? Anyways. Can we please have a moment Joseph & i?
Tom: If I give him a moment he will promise you the sun and the moon. He will just keep pulling threads to control your mind and heart while he's living fully with his family.

Joseph was faced with what Tom said so bluntly. He couldn't speak. After all what he said will seem the only logical analyses to the situation.
Joseph could only approach Mia, kissed her forehead and left. David was so furious at Tom and didn't want to go.
David looked angrily at Tom: come on. Tell her you love her now and use her weakness.
Tom angrily: the only reason I didn't tell her before, is that I loved her since she lost her first husband and I didn't want to use her weakness till she finished his case & cleared his name.  I wanted her to choose to be with me when she's at her strongest not when she's weak. This made us lose two years we could have been together!

Mia looked at him completely confused and frozen at what she heard: Tom, I never knew... I'm...
She paused looking down as Tom was hoping she listened and understood his feelings.
Mia eventually looked at them: Can I have some time alone please. That all was so much to handle.
Tom kissed her hand and left while she was totally confused.
David was about to leave when she asked him to stay: please stay with me David. I'm so confused.

David helped to make her sit while she was shaking. He made them coffee and told her that he will not speak of anything. As she already knows he will take his brother's side.

She was so silent and didn't say anything. She could only pray "God is it possible that everything is so complicated and painful?? I never wanted to take a husband from his family. I feel I'm being punished for a crime I didn't even commit".

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