16. Pain of Attachment

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The following morning they were supposed to go to Grandpa and David. She was so sad in the morning and wasn't able to be her cheerful self. She had her coffee absent-minded no matter how many times Joseph or the kids were talking to her. She would smile and wouldn't answer. She was so angry, so embarrassed. She thought; it was good her Mom wasn't going to join them today. She didn't want her to see her face and ask what was happening.
She left them and went to the dressing-room unable even to think what to wear. Her mind was so tired with hundreds of questions. Partly blaming herself for giving in to him, partly for provoking him that much in the first place, then blaming him for treating her so coldly ensuring she understands that all the connection they had was the need of their bodies, nothing more.
She eventually sat on the dressing room chair with her head in her hands. Joseph came in and pulled the backless sofa near her chair. He took her hands in his while lifting her chin, so he looks straight in her eyes
Joseph: I will not repeat myself Mia. You provoked me so much, no one dares to threaten me.
Mia didn't say anything and made sure that her tears were frozen in her eyes. He cannot see her weakness all the time. It's enough that her body fails her at the wrong moment.
Joseph: I wasn't happy pushing you. I never did that before and I wish I can promise I will never do it again. But you see it's all in your hands Mia. You make us happy, or you make me angry, aggressive and sad; then I have to find ways to punish you.
He tried to say the last part smiling. But Mia was so annoyed that he blamed her that much, she spoke so calmly: so it was me...and my guilt is that I wanted to know your treatment progress and be there for you?
Joseph tried to divert the topic fast: it was because you said you will not let me to your bed. You think you can control me in this way? You think you will have power over me with that?
Mia was shocked he understood it that way and her voice went high: you know this is not what I said or meant. I only said it when you said you can do whatever whenever you wanted. Don't treat me like this Joseph; you know that I too, have my limits. You know if I felt that my dignity or pride was hurt I won't be the person I am. You are pushing me so ruthlessly.
By now her tears went down her face but her eyes and face looked as strong as ever. She didn't look weak, even when she was so sad.
Joseph was waiting for her to say that she would leave, and he would have exploded then. But she didn't... She said she won't be the person she was.
Joseph answered angrily: enough Mia. I guess we both made our points. I will tell you about my condition when I want to... and you won't threaten me ever again.
He was angry and stood up pacing back and forth in the room. While she tried to calm her heart of its racing beats, she sat back in the chair, holding her head up high.

Later when they were in the Villa; she was still looking so distant, even David couldn't make her laugh as he usually does.

Joseph was called by his Dad to his office and asked him: what did you do to her Joseph? Not this amazing woman, please do not hurt her.
Joseph was surprised: Dad!? Why are you taking her side even without knowing anything?
Dan: Cause since we met her. She was nothing but amazing to us all! What happened?
Joseph looked annoyed as he crossed his arms and swallowed hard: she tried to push me to tell her my "health condition" and i... I said things that hurt her.

Joseph looked sad – as if he regretted treating her that way, but he couldn't tell his dad that he even made it clear to her that all that was connecting them is their relation in bed.
Dan: You already know what I think of this particular issue. And you know how much I disapprove of it. But most important; when will you tell her the truth?
Joseph: I will dad... I just wanted to wait till things get more stable and she gets more involved... or attached or... I don't know Dad.
His father was confused if Joseph started having feelings for her or only, he was becoming more possessive than loving. It annoyed him so much: you are not being fair to her, Joseph. That's not who you are! You know how it is to be in a relation where one side controls the other to his benefit on their account. You have been there, and you won't do that to Mia.
His father was then shocked by his own words: or?? Could it be?? That you are taking your revenge from Mia?? From this sweet girl?? Jesus Joseph. It cannot be!!
Joseph looked at his father rather scared. His father was always his true mirror. "What are you doing Joseph" he asked himself. "she doesn't deserve that"!

His father left him alone in the study and went out while the kids were playing, and Mia was sitting in the garden alone trying to clear her head.

David went and tried to ask Mia what was wrong and if things were ok. She only nodded and said: I will be ok – I guess. Just sometimes you try so hard to make the best out of a certain situation and then with the first challenge you figure out that you made an illusion and lived inside your own bubble because it was more possible.
David looked puzzled but she didn't want to explain anything. He knew that Joseph could be very harmful. But he also thought that his brother was falling for this amazing woman. How can he be mistaken? He saw Joseph's eyes, and it wasn't desire. If it was, it should have been burnt out by now. David too was puzzled but couldn't say anything to her.
Mia wanted to stop talking and stood: let's have a coffee – you want?
David: nonsense Sis. We need something stronger. Much stronger.
Mia smiled: I'm in. I have no idea what's the plan. But I'm so in.
Joseph joined them smiling: hey you, leave my wife's arm. What are you two up to?
David laughed: there's a huge demand for a strong drink. Extra strong!! Something like ten tequila shots.
Mia laughed, raising her hand in objection: oh, no. That wasn't what I had in mind.
Joseph: Let me fix you a good drink sweetheart.
Mia looked at him smiling: so you think if you make me a drink and call me sweetheart, you will be forgiven?? It will take you more Joseph.
He held her in his arms touching the tip of her nose with his: what will it take me to see your smile, my butterfly?
Her eyes softened as this was the first time, he calls her that: eh don't try to bribe me by being a sweet talker now. Emm... You will have to take me on a date. And be nice to me the whole evening. Music, dinner, flowers. I don't know – but I want the whole thing. That's your punishment Joseph.
She said the last part praying he won't snap. David too was so scared his brother would spoil it all and act stupidly.
Joseph didn't see this coming – but he liked it: agree. Tomorrow night. We go on our first date. Can I have a kiss now.
Mia looked happy but a bit embarrassed to kiss him while David was standing. Seems he understood, as he said leaving: fine guys. I go and leave you to your kiss. Make it a good one!
Mia kissed him softly. But he didn't settle for one kiss and he kissed her again and again so passionately leaving her breathless and so confused. "Is that the man who tries to prove time after time that it's only sex and there's no attachments between us??"

The following day he told her he would be late in the office. She was so annoyed, she thought he forgot he promised to take her on a date. But he then texted;
Mia, will you make me happy and join me on a date tonight? I will be at your doorstep at 7.00- dress code is soiree
She texted back; cannot wait till seven, prince charming.
They both put down their phones, unable to wipe off the smiles on their faces till they met.

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