20. In sickness and In Health

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Mia woke up feeling much better on the following morning; but there was no sign of Joseph; she thought he must be in the office. She took a shower and made herself coffee but didn't feel like eating. She then went and saw Joanna who was already up and playing with her Nanny.
Nanny Daisy: ooh Mrs. Mia; you look good today. How are you??
Mia: I'm fine actually- just feeling weak. But what happened?? I was knocked out for how long?? What's today??
Nanny smiling: three days now. Joanna was starting a sore throat when you slept in her room. Seems you got it from her, but affected you way way more!! Your fever went so high that you were not aware of anything!! She was better the following day. While you had your fever till yesterday. The doctor said you were so sad that's why you got worse.
Mia: what? How would that doctor know if I'm sad or not??
Nanny: no idea, but when he came out of your room last night, he said so.
Mia: Do you have his number- I found many pills by my bed and I don't know which I need to take
Nanny: yeah sure. But Mr Joseph was giving you all pills on time. He actually didn't go to the office and was by your side the whole three days. He didn't check on Joanna once though! But we know he's not fond of her. It's very obvious... But you... He loves you lots Mrs. Mia
Mia was so lost in her words that Josef loved her. The lady is dreaming!!! But then she was puzzled about what she said about Joanna: Nanny Daisy, why you say he's not fond of Joanna?
Nanny: Well you know what people gossip all the time. I don't know. Sorry I shouldn't say things like that.
Mia insisted: actually no. I didn't hear anything. Please tell me I won't say I heard it from you Daisy.
Nanny: Well you know Mrs. Mia. People tend to say things that are not true. At the time Mrs. Sue left Joanna she was less than a month old and people said that she's probably the other man's daughter. Cause she & Mr Joseph were on bad terms. Well he found out that she's been sleeping around they say. But Mrs. Mia please. If Mr Joseph or the other Nannies know I told you any of that they will fire me. I cannot have this happening to me.
Mia promised her that she won't say a word. She felt so sorry for Joseph. Jesus Christ. I wanted to kill him for what he told David that night. And now my heart is broken for him. I've always noticed he avoids Joanna & doesn't ever hold or carry her. It was always me carrying her while he plays with the two boys. Oh God!!

Mia went to her room and called the doctor after taking his number from the Nanny.
Mia: Hi Dr John, this is Mia Martin.
Doctor: hi Mrs. Mia – good to hear your voice, you sound better today.
Mia: yes, thank you so much- I'm way better. I remember I was crying last night. But cannot seem to remember any of our talk?
She paused, hoping he says anything, but he didn't. She had to go on: also I cannot find a prescription. Joseph isn't here either!!
Doctor: yes, he's here we are preparing him for the operation max tomorrow morning. Anyways; you can take one pill from each box but not the blue one. You can come and see him in an hour's time if you want. Remember to take one only of each box!
Mia: Yeah, I will. What operation Dr john. I was calling him but couldn't reach him.
Doctor: he needs an appendectomy operation- seems he too was very sad lately. You see Mrs. Mia, your sadness reduced your immunity and made you get the virus Joanna had. Apparently, he too, his being so tensed; increased the inflammation of his colon and now we have to operate.
Mia was dying to understand what he meant about her sadness. Why did he say that? Why was Joseph sad? OMG could it be his health condition?? Oh God please. I cannot take it. Please God save him!

Mia was still feeling a bit weak when she dragged herself to go to the hospital and met David and Dan in the corridor.
David went holding her: Eh Sis. What are you doing here? You look like a ghost, by the way!
Mia smiled ignoring his comment: how's he? Is he in pain?

Dan was rather surprised asking himself, is that same woman who cried her heart out saying he'll break her heart? Can she be in love with him to that extent??
David: yeah Mia; he's in much pain. They are giving him something to reduce it; but they don't want to overdo it as they want to monitor his condition.

Mia asked if she could see him, David went and asked Dr John who came to see Mia & Mr Dalton. He checked her throat and fever and told her to preferably wear a mask before she goes to see Joseph.

Mia went in: hi
Joseph saw her at the door of his room, and was not believing she was there: Mia, why are you here, you should be in bed?!
She didn't say anything. Just went and sat very slowly on his bedside to ensure she didn't cause him any additional pain, and simply hugged him. He weakly wrapped his arms around her, but his hug was not as tight as he usually does. She thought he must be in real pain. She slowly lifted her mask and kissed his lips lightly.
Mia put the mask on again and whispered in his ear: get well Joseph. Get well please
Joseph was feeling so relieved at her voice, at the touch of her body in his arms: I will. If only my blue butterfly asks me to. Are you still mad at me Mia? I'm sorry you had to...
Mia put her finger on his lips: hush Joseph; don't think of anything that would annoy you now. Only think how fast we can get home.
Dan and David were permitted to see him. And the three of them were trying to comfort him which apparently worked; as he eventually closed his eyes and slept out of pain and tiredness.

The following morning; he was admitted to the OR with the promise of the surgeon that the operation wouldn't take long. He insisted that her face would be the last thing he saw before they took him away and kissed her so passionately.
David and Dan were watching silently as they took him away.

Mia broke into tears when he couldn't see her. David held her and made her sit while Dan sat beside from the other side.

Dan: You know Mia! I never dreamt that an internet Ad will bring me a most gracious heart like yours. I believe you are the answer to my many prayers. From now on; you call me dad. You will never be a stranger to me, ever again.
Mia smiled sweetly and was hoping that he meant it, and it wasn't because he felt sorry for her. She was a mess. A real one.
David looked warmly at her: I don't need to say anything! You already know we are brother and sister for life. I just pray this idiot brother of mine sees how lucky he is.
Mia smiled but then her heart was eaten with worry: does his other doctor know what's happening? I mean is he & Dr john working closely on Joseph's case?
Her question made the two men freeze. Then David said quickly; yes, this is taken care of.

When Joseph went out of OR he was still sedated, and the doctor agreed that she stays beside him. When he woke up, he was talking in his sleep but didn't make much sense. Later he opened his eyes and saw her: I was praying you will be the face I see. Have they already operated?
Mia's eyes were happy with what he just said: yeah, prince charming. I wish I could hold you, but I'm scared I would hurt you!

He opened one arm and she kneeled beside his bed to have her head beside his, kissing his cheek and forehead: get better Joseph, we still have many fights waiting for us.
She said smiling making him smile too. David, Dr john & Dan came in and wanted to check on Joseph who was still in pain specially the stitches.

Mia stayed beside him the full two days after the operation helping him with everything; changing, eating, drinking, walking as much as possible as per doctors' orders. She was happy he needed her. "he never felt so dependent on me as he is, these days. I love it. I love his need of me" she was thinking to herself.

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