Chapter 39

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"How could you even say that?" Farhan exclaimed, looking beyond shocked now.

Humeyra stood in front of him, her face stern. "I have said what I wanted to say and I'll repeat it again. I want Ayesha to leave this house and you right now."

Her words were like a dagger to my heart, tearing it to pieces mercilessly. How could she even say that? How was it so easy for her to forgive her husband and blame me, even when I had no fault in this? 

Farhan pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before sighing. "We've been over this. I will not divorce my wife."

Humeyra's eyes narrowed as she threw me a dirty look. I, on the other hand, probably looked like a wounded kitty staring at her face.

I had thought of her as my sister. Thought of her happiness when I could've revealed Zain's true face to everybody at Ayan's wedding. But no, I hid his vile attempts because I cared about her. That's the type of person I was.

I suddenly felt absolutely exhausted. I had tried and tried to get her to see my true self. The way I was. But she wasn't going to see that and I could tell. I looked at Farhan and realized he probably wouldn't let go of his only sister. Although it would kill me, I wasn't going to keep getting humiliated like this.

"Farhan! Why don't you understand?! This girl, whom we know nothing about, has wrecked havoc in our lives! How are we supposed to know who and how she is? Do we even know who her father is or where she has been spending her days and nights-"

"Stop it!" I yelled, halting all conversation around me. Humeyra instantly looked at me, anger and dislike evident on her face. I closed my eyes, trying to collect myself but tears had already welled up in my eyes. "Enough. I can't let you keep insulting me like this. You don't want me around? Fine. I'll leave."

Farhan's eyes widened as he stepped closer to me. "What are you saying?"

"But you can't force your brother to do something he doesn't want to do," I told her. "Both of us tried to protect you but you're not even thinking of him. I won't even show you my face but please, please stop forcing my husband to do something he doesn't want to."

Humeyra's eyes narrowed and I could tell she had grown to dislike me with such intensity. Why, I had no clue. She probably knew what her husband was like. Did she love him to an extent that she was ready to ignore what he was like? What his heart was like?

"I want you gone. Away from my family and my husband Ayesha," she spoke, her words stern and severe. "That's the only solution to restore the lost happiness in our lives. Ever since you showed up, things have been going wrong. Mom's health got worse, Farhan is unhappy staying with you and Ayan has drifted away from us. Leave her Farhan. I'll let you remarry the girl of your choice, I promise."

I didn't think somebody could hurt me this much again after my father, but I was wrong.

This family, these people whom I had come to value more than anything else in my life, they'd ripped my heart out in a matter of seconds.

"Don't listen to her Ayesha, okay?" Farhan grabbed my shoulders and turned me to him. "Don't listen to what she says, she knows nothing! I told you I'll stay with you forever and I mean it. I'm not going to let you go."

But the tears were already out, no matter how much he tried to console me. I nodded, suddenly really, really tired.

"I'm- I can't- I need to go," I managed to say before pulling out of his grasp and throwing the front door open. Warm air hit me in the face as I stumbled out of the gates and onto the road.

There was a park nearby and I couldn't think of anywhere else to go that wouldn't make me feel more suffocated than I already was. I sat down on the bench and rested my back and let out the tears I'd been holding in.

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