Chapter 10

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Ayesha's PoV

Just like a goodwife, I prepared his breakfast for him. I made a mental note to ask him when the housekeeper would come.

I dished out the things that I made and carried them over to the dining table. I carefully placed everything on top of the table.

I heard footsteps decending down the stairs which meant that he had taken his shower and is ready for his office. He walked into the dining room wearing his suit and tie. He wasn't looking at me. But boy was I staring!

He looked so handsome. His hair neatly brushed and oh the intoxicating smell of his cologne! He looked at the food and then at me.

I quickly averted my eyes.

"Breakfast?" I asked, cautiously.

He looked at me for a moment before his brown eyes turned as cold as ice.

"What makes you think I am going to eat something or anything at all, prepared by you?" He asked.

I closed my eyes, composing myself. I was trying hard not to cry infront of him and give him the satisfaction.

"Nothing. I just thought-"

"Forget what you thought! Im not eating anything! Keep the food or throw it, I dont care. Just stay out of my life!" He yelled. I flinched at his tone.

He stormed out of the house and slammed the door shut behind him.

I couldn't hold back so I let the tears fall down my cheeks. Why does he hate me so much?

I paid the taxi rent and entered the building. I made my way to Aunty's apartment and opened it using my key.

Nisha was in the kitchen, cooking.

"Good Morning Nisha." I smiled and entered the kitchen. She smiled back at me.

"Is Aunty awake?"

"Yes she is." She replied. I smiled and walked towards Aunty's room.

An hour after Farhan had left, I washed my face and applied makeup to hide the fact that I had been crying.

I pushed open the door. Aunty was sitting on the bed, reading a book. She looked up and smiled as I walked upto her.

"Assalamualikum." I greeted her, smiling widely as I hugged her.

"Waalaikumasalaam." She hugged me back and replied.

I sat on the bed, next to her. "How are you feeling now?" I asked.

"Better. Much better." She replied with a smile. "Where is Farhan?"

"Oh uh.. he was coming here with me but an emergency meeting came up so he dropped me here and went away. He will come soon, don't worry." I told her. More like I lied to her.

She relaxed.

Just then the door opened and Nisha walked in with her breakfast. I moved and sat on the chair next to her bed. Nisha sat on the other chair. The three of us chatted up for a long time.

It had been a long time since I arrived here. Aunty told me about her plans to marry off Ayan before her time, in this world, comes to an end. I was thrilled at the idea of his marriage.

But the sad thing about my visit was that I had to lie to her.

A lot.

She kept asking me if I was happy or if Farhan was keeping me happy. Whenever I opened my mouth to answer, the look on her face made me lie. I hate it.

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