Chapter 37

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When Humeyra didn't get any better, we had to rush her to the hospital.

I was still struggling through a mental breakdown, so I shut myself into my room without talking to anybody. The men had all gone to the hospital, leaving me and Fatima alone at home once more.

I had seen Fatima's eyes. She was beginning to misunderstand me too.

Was it that bad to have loved someone in my life? It's not like I was in a relationship with Zain. We had not even sat in the garden of the orphanage by ourselves. All we had done was to visibly like each other.

At least I had liked him.

But that was all strictly in the past. It was like ancient history. My hands trembled as I sat on the floor, my back against the bed. I tried to stop my hands from shaking and myself from trembling.

What would Humeyra think of me now? She was right. I really am an alien to this family. I am from a faraway city, from a family I no longer have any connection to. I myself have zero knowledge about my adoptive father and his family.

I don't know how much time went by before the door opened. My eyes hurt from all the crying and as soon as light poured through the tiny creak, they burned.

Farhan stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He spotted me sitting on the floor in the dark but didn't turn on the lights. Instead, he took a seat on the floor next to me, his legs crossed.

"Humeyra's went into labour," he stated quietly.

In normal conditions, my heart would've soared and I would've jumped up and down in joy. But right now, I wanted to crawl under my bed and stay there for the rest of my life. I clasped my shaking hands together, in a fruitless bid to stop them.

"What happened? She keeps asking me to divorce you," he asked, leaning a bit closer.

"S-she found out Farhan," my voice shook. "About Zain. A-about- what- happe- she found out."

In the dim light that fell over his handsome face, his eyes widened.

"She did? But how?"

"Zain was talking to me. He said he- he was sorry," I took a deep breath to let my clogged lungs have some air before resuming. "He wanted to apologize so I was letting him finish but Humeyra and Fatima heard everything. Oh God. She must hate me now."

I looked down at my hands. They were shaking so much I was afraid they'd fall off.

"That's not what she said to me," he murmured quietly.

"What did she say?"

"She said something about you hitting on her husband," his voice had reduced to a tiny whisper.

My heart dropped.

I stared at Farhan's face, trying to see if he trusted me or not. When I couldn't get any confirmation, tears welled into my eyes.

"Y-you don't believe this do you?" I panicked. Despite myself. "Farhan I swear-!"

"Hey. Hey, relax," he grabbed my cheeks. "Why would I believe this? I've been involved since the start, I'm not an idiot."

I broke down. Completely.

He put his hands around me and pulled my head against his chest. I clutched his shirt, crying.

I have no idea why I'm going through this.

After a few minutes, I pulled away and wiped my tears away. My hands and body were still trembling though.

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