Chapter 3

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13 days later

I can't believe time flew, like literally, just flew by

I thought as I stood infront of my house. In the course of just 13 days, Asmara had decided to get married to Hassan. Of course, since they are childhood sweethearts, marriage would definitley be on the cards.

Hassan reminded me of my childhood crush, Zain. Not childhood, we were likely about to get married. At 19 years, I was dreaming of a happy married life with 3 kids and a loving husband.

But it all went down the drain when Zain chickened out and instead married a rich girl.

I met Zain at the orphanage. He used to visit atleast thrice a week with his mother. She loved me, he loved me.

But not enough to marry me. Don't get me wrong here, though. I wasn't desperate to marry him. He followed me around till I accepted to be his friend and then, the friendship bloomed into that so-called 'love'.

After his marriage, I sunk deep into work. I worked my back off, and he just disappeared into oblivion. His betrayal was now just a distant memory.

Anyway, Asmara's getting married and I've decided to accept the job. I sent in my application yesterday and after attending my girlfriend's marriage, I was gonna leave.

Hassan was a very good man. Good house, awesome background and everything. I couldnt be more happy that this one wasnt a coward.

I walked into the house and headed to Asmara's room to help her pack her stuff and then pack mine.


"I'm gonna miss you so much," Asmara cried and hugged me. I felt tears flowing down my own cheeks.

"Hey it's worth it. You got the man of your dreams, I couldnt be happier. But remember call and text everyday okay?" I tried my best to smile, but in vain.

She wiped of her tears with the back of her hand. To say she looked pretty would be an understatement. She looked gorgeous.

She wore a red maxi with stones all over it. Her dupatta was fixed on her head and the jewellery she wore was enough to knock the breathe out of a person. Hassan really had an amazing taste.

He took her hand and led her towards the car as she bid farewell to everyone. The orphanage people were the guests from our side.

I cried as I watched the car pull out. I stood there, watching as the car disappeared from sight. Hania, my friend from the orphanage, hugged me and I cried softly on her shoulder.

My bus was at 10 a.m sharp in the morning. I was running late for the arrival. The uber was waiting for me.

I loaded my stuff in the trunk. Not much actually, I only had one suitcase and a box. I locked the house and told my neighbour, an old man in his 50's, Tabrez Khan, to look after my home every once a month.

I climbed into the uber and reached the bus stand. I climbed into the bus and made myself comfortable. My new life had begun. From here, I was gonna catch a flight to Karachi because travelling by road would take too long and I wasn't up for that journey.

"Come. I shall show you the way to Mrs. Shaila's room." The receptionist told me as she led me towards the hospital room, occupied by my new boss.

I arrived at the hospital earlier than expected. Frankly, I just wanted to relax because I was seriously jet-lagged. But duty calls.

She opened the door of room 14 and gestured inside and then left. I peeked into the room and saw a woman lying on the bed, watching television.

She heard me and looked over.

"Oh hello. How may I help you?" She smiled at me.

She was a really beautiful woman. Even though her hair had all shed, some new ones had grown in the most remarkable form of small, beautiful curls. She had the sweetest voice and her way of speaking was sweeter than honey. She had amazing light brown eyes.

A branulla was taped to her left wrist but no bottle was connected to it whatsoever. Swallowing down my nervousness, I stepped inside.

"Asslamaualaikum. I am Ayesha." I said, nervously. What if she thought that I am not worthy to be her nurse? Judging by my clothing that is. I was wearing a salwar kameez dress and my duppatta covered half of my body. My hair was pulled up into a ponytail.

I was dress conscious but it was the best I could do. She smiled and nodded, to my utter relief.

"Waalaikumasalaam Ayesha. Come on in. Sit here." She pointed towards the stool next to her bed.

I stepped in and closed the door. I looked around but there was no one else in the room. I sat down.

We talked about my fees. I settled for a satisfactory amount. She also told me alot about herself.

Her husband died in a car crash 4 years ago. Her sons, Farhan and Ayan, now handled the family bussiness. Her daughter, Humayra, is happily married and lives in somewhere in Multan. She did not asking me anything though because it was all in my form.

I would be staying at her apartment. She lives alone and not with her sons. Apparently, the apartment she lives in was bought by her husband as a gift for her.

I work for her all day at her apartment. She was at the hospital for her 4th chemotherapy session.

"Here, put these medicines in the third drawer on the left." She said as she handed me the box of her medicines.

I pulled open her drawer and dropped them in.

"I will go make you something to eat. What would you like ma'am?" I asked her, politely.

"Nothing beta, just some tea would be nice." She smiled.

I nodded and headed towards the kitchen. It had been 3 days since I began working for her. I didnt meet any of her children though. They only call her. I felt sad for her. Having children,she was still alone.

I switched on the gas and lighted fire when I heard the bell ring. She gave me a small device which would ring when she pressed a button.

I walked towards her room, hurriedly. "Yes ma'am?" I asked her.

"Ayesha darling, my sons are coming over in an hour. Can you prepare some snacks for them?" She smiled. The smile was a motherly smile. She really loves her children, even though they are too busy for her.

"Of course why not." I said and then headed back towards the kitchen, conjuring up a menu in my head on my way.

It was going to be one heck of a meeting.

Second chapter done! Though, I may have messed up my tenses a bit. But feel free to correct them!

Edit: Under major editing, this one. I wrote it when I was like 15, and now I'm 19 soooo... yeah it's kinda going to take a while. Love to all those who've waited for this. Seriously.

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