Chapter 38

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"Ma Sha Allah(what God has willed) she's such a cute baby girl!" Fatima fanned over Humeyra's baby, cuddling her in her arms and gently poking her cheeks.

"Give her to me now, it's my turn!" Ayan whined. "You keep hogging her all to yourself!"

Fatima made a face, pulling the baby away. "No. She's mine. If I make her look at me long enough, chances are she'll say my name first. Because I'm better than her mamu(maternal uncle)."

"What-? No! I want to hold her and teach her my name too!" Ayan whined again.

I mentally slapped my forehead. These two had been doing this for like an hour now.

"Are you sure Mom set you two up or did you meet at elementary school?" I grumbled.

"Come on you two! Give me the baby and get out. I have to feed her," Humeyra muttered from her bed.

It had been two days since her daughter had been born. Two days since she hadn't spoken to her husband or my wife. The three of us were being extra careful not to mention either because Humeyra had gotten operated on so it was still painful for her to move. And at this point, she needed to be healthy to take care of her baby.

As the three of us walked out, the nurse closed the door behind us. I spotted Zain standing at the end of the corridor, a place he'd been standing at since the last two days. He looked haggard. He had a stubble growing and his eyes were supporting dark bags.

I would've felt sorry for him had he not been trying to make passes at my wife. And I didn't like him when he married my sister anyway. Had Dad not pressurised us all into agreeing, I never would've let him become a family member. But Humeyra had fallen for him by then and there was nothing I could do.

Ayan's forehead creased when he spotted Zain and almost stormed over to him but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

Ayan's friendly face had become extremely dark as he stared at our brother-in-law. I had already decided as the elder of the house after mother and father.

Zain's existence and relationship to our family solely depended upon Humeyra. Of course, if she decided to keep their relationship, Zain wouldn't be allowed to come to our house. Ever.

I couldn't let him be around Ayesha anymore.

Speaking of whom, Humeyra kept insisting that I let go of her. That I divorce her and send her back to wherever she came from. I didn't say a word to her right then because she'd just given birth. Immense stress could harm both her and her baby's health.

I didn't tell this to Ayesha. I couldn't forget the night the baby was born. The way she'd been sitting in our room, in the dark and shaking. If I hadn't told her I wasn't planning on abandoning her, she would've overthought herself to death.

The door opened and the nurse stepped out.

"Which of one of you is Mr. Zain?" She asked.

A little bewildered, Zain stumbled over in our direction. He maintained his distance though because Ayan was still killing him repeatedly with his eyes.

"M-me. I am," his voice came out hoarse.

"The patient wants to see only you," she motioned towards the door.

Ayan was about to react once more but I grabbed his wrist and shook my head. I gave Zain a death glare as he stepped inside. Zain should know that Humeyra wasn't alone. She had two brothers at her beck and call and we could easily skin him alive if he even tried to hurt our sister.

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