Chapter 14

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I rolled around the soft cloud giggling hilariously as I played with its softness. I lay flat on my back before turning around, burying my face in the soft cushion and pulled the duvet high over me.

This bed felt so soft and warm just like a cl- wait, what?


I jolted up and shook my head in the process. Calling myself an idiot, I brought a hand to it and rubbed it in attempt to soothe my dancing vision. As soon as it cleared, I looked around and realized, to my horror, I was in Farhan's bed. But how on earth did I even get here?

I clearly remember sleeping on the ground with the sheets and everything. Infact, it had been so uncomfortable down there that I even cursed my husband twice or maybe thrice. But it had been like that.

Me on the floor and Farhan on the bed. Then how did I..? Did I come up here while he...? What if he's next to me this very moment..?

Too scared to look, I slowly turned my head to the left to see if he was there or not. Seeing his side empty had never felt better.

Sighing gratefully, I flopped on my back again.

How did I get here?

I sat up again scratching my head in confusion. Just how in the world did I end up in here when I slept on the floor last night? I crawled forward to peer off the edge and saw the floor absolutely clean of any sheets or pillows.

Did Farhan put me here?

I dismissed the thought as soon as it entered my mind. Of course he wouldn't! He'd rather sleep with a thousand opposums.

Maybe I sleep walked up here after he left. Yeah that's probably it.

Getting ready for the day, I brushed the tangles away from my hair before carefully slipping into a pretty blue knee-length top and putting on a black dupatta. Cleaning the room, I stepped out and went downstairs.

Everybody, minus Farhan, were seated at the table having breakfast. Zain and Humeyra were seated side by side with Humeyra chatting loudly as usual.

Ayan was the first one to spot and he quickly waved me over, "Hey you're up. Come on have something to eat."

Reluctantly, watching Zain's face, I slipped in the chair next to Ayan. He pushed the plate full of breakfast towards me, "Farhan couldn't stay for breakfast but he wanted you to have plenty and gave a bucket load of love for you."

I nodded and smiled. Taking a bite of, I busied myself as the rest continued to listen to Humeyra's stories. She also mentioned something about going to the doctor after breakfast.

My eyes accidentally met Ayan's and he motioned towards Zain and Humeyra as if asking if Farhan's goodbye message was because of the two. I closed my eyes briefly and opened them, affirming his suspicions.

He shook his head sadly as I tried not to let this fact affect me too much. Zain had his sights on me once more as if he were reading into my soul. If I gave in to his antics than I'll end up ruining Humeyra's marriage.

And I had no desire of doing that. Even if the future of my marriage was very hazy, I didn't want her's to be the same.

She was happy and that's all that mattered.

After Humeyra left, I too left the house to go to my mother-in-law's. After all, she was the only one who trusted me enough to make me a family member. I'm not belittling Ayan's respect or anything but I still held Aunty as my biggest supporter.

Nisha opened the door looking fresh. I was highly impressed by the freedom Aunty gave to her nurses. Even when I was a nurse, she never pressured me into overworking. Nor did she left me in poor conditions or torture. She took me in just as one of her own children.

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