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you and Damiano had i fight, you two were at the studio fighting.

"You are just a child", you shouted at him."Well you are neither adult, just a clingy girlfriend!!!", he shouted back at you.

You looked at him as you both were angry and heated. Tears rolled down you cheecks. There was silence for a moment. You turned and rushed outside. You sat on the bench near to the studio door. Damiano was left inside just realising what happened. Victoria walked pass Damiano running to you outside. Ethan and Thomas came out of the other room. Everyone heard the fight.

You were crying on the bench, face in your hands. Victoria came sit next to you. "Y/n?" She said and you just hugged her. You cried there on her shoulder.

while inside
Damiano spoke with the boys.
"How hard did I shout?", he asked moving back and forwards. "Well we heard it to the inside of the room, pretty loudly", Ethan told him. "Sh*t, sh*t, I just, I was angry", he told them. "I know sometimes we all are", Ethan replied. "But the way I spoke to her..", Damiano said. "You gotta talk to her", Thomas told him. "I know", he answered.

You pulled away from the hug and wiped away your tears. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I don't know, I mean i don't like fighting", you replied. "I  know you don't", she answered. "I don't understand why he was so mad?" You told Victoria. You heard steps and saw Damiano walking towards you two.
"Can I talk to Y/n?" He asked.
"Yeah I'll just go", Victoria said, flashed a smile to you and went back inside. Damiano sat next to you.

It was silence until he started talking

"Amore I am sorry.. I was angry but of course it's not an excuse to shout at you. And you are not clingy, in fact you acted more like an adult than me", he said.

You stared at the ground. "Were you scared?" He asked

That question shocked you. You went speechless. "I-.. Dami why would you ask that?" You finally spoke. "I wanna know", he replied and stroked your hand. You thought about your answer. You slightly nodded. He felt as his strong arms wrapped around you. You quietly cried. "Don't cry amore", he whispered and placed a kiss on the top of your head. You squeezed your eyes shut. "I would never hurt you, you know it", he told as he pulled off. You nodded. He gently wiped of your tears. "I am so sorry, please forgive me", he said. "I forgive you Dami", you told him smiling.

He smiled. His hand softly pulled your face closer. He kissed your lips. You kissed back and the kiss deepened. As the kiss broke he stared deeply into your eyes. You couldn't hold the eye contact and looked down. He lifted your face by the chin, looked again in your eyes. "I love you amore", he whispered. "I love you too", you replied.

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