new lover Part 3

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You were on top of Damiano, kissing him.
Thomas: what The fuck!
Damianos door was open and everyone standed there. You quickly covered yourself. Thomas looked angry and runned to fight Damiano.

You: Stop!
Vic tried to pull Thomas away. Thomas punched Damiano hard.

He stopped and stepped back breathing heavily. He runned away from The room. You started putting clothes on and runned after him. You found him sitting on front of The front door. You sat next to him.

You: i am sorry
Thomas: oh that you are f*cking My friend, you should Be sorry.
You: i thought you knew i liked him.
Thomas: you like him? Oh My..
You: but he likes me back
Thomas: y/n are you blind! He IS superstar, you think you mean something to him? He had a lot of girls in his dms. All those models and pretty skinny girls...

You: so you are saying that i am ugly and that he couldn't like me...
Tears rolled down your cheecks. Thomas realized what he has Said.
Thomas: oh no.. i mean-.
You: NO! Fuck off! I Hate you...
You walked Back inside.
Vic: so how IS he?
You: i dont wanna talk right now.

You went to Damianos room and sat on his bed. Damiano kneeled down on front of you.
He wiped your tears.
Damiano: are you okay?
You: no! I Hate My brother, he IS such an idiot!
Damiano: okay calm down...
You: baby he punched you
You lead Damiano to The toilet and cleaned his face. There was little bit Blood on his face.

Damiano: oww
You: sorry
You kissed him on The nose.
You: honetly i dont know what to do with him!
Damiano: Mi amor calm down
You: i can't
You rested your head on his shoulder.

Time skip.

It Been few hours. You were cuddling with Damiano while everyone Else were downstairs.
Vic: y/n! Thomas is waiting For you on The car!!
You sighed. Damiano stroked your hair.
You: i dont want to go...
Damiano: i know.. but you have to
You got up and took you bag.
Damiano: are you forgetting something Mi Amor?
You smiled and went Back to him. You kissed him. You walked Back to The door and looked Back
Damiano: bye
He winked at you.

You: bye!
You gaved him a blow kiss. As you were walking down and you smiled faded as you knew you have to go with your Brother.
You: bye everyone!
Vic: bye y/n!

You walked to his car and went inside. You sat there on silence. No one Said a word.
After a little ride you two were Back home.
Thomas: so can we talk?
You rolled your eyes as you sat on The Sofa.
You: fine.
He sat next to you.
Thomas: i am sorry i overreacted. You two are adults and can do whatever you want, but i just don't want you to get heartbroken.
You: i understand-
Thomas: and i am sorry i Said All those this. And of course Damiano likes you and you are pretty..
You: thanks you, i forgive you
You Hugged him.

Time skip*
You were texting with Damiano
You: so me and Thomas are okay
Damiano: Good, i hope he isnt gonna kill me
You: ill talk to him and he has to apologise to you.
Damiano: okay, goodnight!
You: Goodnight!!

You: hey we are here!
Damiano: hey mi amor!
He kissed you on The cheeck.

Thomas: hey Damiano
Damiano: hello
Thomas: i am sorry, how i reacted was not okay..
Damiano: its fine i forgive you
Thomas Hugged Damiano.
You: aww

Everyone laughed ...
Now everything was okay and you were with The man you liked or maybe Even LOVED...
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