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You were shaking, crying and looked at your hands. There was a pregnancy test you took just 5 minutes ago. You were sitting on The toilet at The studio. You heard The music from The other room. You were pregnant... With Damianos baby...

You waited until The music stopped. You opened The door slightly and looked a round.

You: psst Vic!
Vic turned to Look at you.
Vic: y/n? What?!
You: come here
Vic came inside The bathroom and she standed infront of you.
You: i have something to tell you
Vic: okay whats up?
You took something from your purse.
You showed to Vic.
You: i am pregnant..
Vics mouth was wide open.
Vic: omg!
You nodded.
Vic: OMG !
You: keep it quiet
Vic: whos baby? Have you told anyone else? When did you...-?
You: okay okay ill tell you.
Vic sat on The floor looking so excited.
You: Damiano baby, you are The only one that knows and well Its normal to you know...
Vic nodded.
Vic: omg you have to tell him
You: yea, i am gonna...

Knock knock*
Me and Vic looked at each other.
Vic: who Is it?
Damiano: Damiano..
Vic: this toilet is taken
Damiano: yeah i know but have you saw y/n
I motioned Vic to say no...
Vic: no not yet
Damiano: okay
He walked away. You and Vic looked at each other.
You: i want to tell him so badly, like right now
Vic: then tell HIM!

You slowly opened The door and rushed outside. You walked to The band room and saw him there just sitting on a Sofa.

Damiano: oh hey, i have looked For you
You: i know
He gave you confuced look.
You: i was on The toilet with Victoria
Damiano: what?
He laughed.
You: i was taking a test and found out i am pregnant....
He looked at you and runned to you.
Damiano: u are?
You nodded. Damiano Hugged you gave Kissing to your forhead.
Damiano: omg...
You: i know right ..
Damiano: u are gonna Be The best mother ever..
You: you are gonna Be The best dad this child ever needs.

He smiled. You pulled his face closer to you and kissed him. He wrapped his hands around your waist and you were so Happy.

Vic: did you tell him?
She walked to The room only to see you guys kissing..
Victoria: i guess u did....
You both laughed.
Vic: Ethan! Thomas! Y/n IS pregnant!!
They both runned to The room.
Ethan: omg
Thomas: what? How? When?
You: i am pregnant

They looked at you two mouth open.
You just looked at him, The man you are spend The future with... And his baby.
OMG! Guys i just saw dream last night were i was pregnant...IT was weird ..

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