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It was currently 2 am. You were sleeping. It was dark outside. Your bf next to you was moving in the bed like an tornado. He just could not stay still and that is the reason why you woke up.

You were staring at the clock. You tried to fall asleep but it was not working. You finally decided to get up. You slowly walked to the toilet and closed the door quietly. You took some water and while drinking you started hearing Damiano talking. You went back to bed and he was saying something.

Damiano: i promise....

You: Damiano?

Damiano: i will give the money.

You: what?!, you said laughing.

You went closer to him.

You: Damiano? 

he rolled around and almost hit you on the face. you went away from him. Then was little silent

Damiano: JUST LET HER GO!!!!!, he screamed.

You: Damiano! are u okay?

Damiano: Y/N!!!

He was breathing heavily and then suddenly sat up gasping for air. You sat up and looked at him. The little light coming from the window was on his face. His forehead was sweaty. He stayed in silence breathing heavily.

You: Dami?

He turned his head to look you. He stared for a while but then rushed to hug you. He squuezed you hard. You hugged him back.

Damiano: you are here mi amor

You: of course

He pulled away looking at your face. Tiny tears rolled down his cheecks. 

You:  baby why are you crying?, you said as you were wiping his tears. 

He holded tightly your hand and kissed you on the forehead. 

Damiano: nightmare. It felt so real... 

You: what happened?

Damiano: someone wanted to take you away from me and i said i could pay anything to get you back but they just.....

he went silence.

You: it is fine you can tell me.

Damiano: you died infront of me

You: oh Dami... 

you hugged him again. 

Damiano: i just do not wanna lose you...

You: and u are not, unless that is gonna happen...

Damiano: stop.. I will keep u close

You: i know and i will stay close

He slowly pulled you into kiss. His lips pressed against your. Then you two laid down to cuddle still talking abut his nightmare. It was scary for you to even think something like that would happen. 

You: you were screaming in the bed and i was worried

Damiano: i am sorry, it just felt so real.

You: do not be sorry, it is fine. Now i am scared.

Damiano: why?

You: what if it is gonna happen?

Damiano: no it is not, mi amor it was just a nightmare

You: ur right...

Damiano: should we go sleep?

You: yeah

You kissed Damiano on the cheeck and he pulled you closer.

Damiano: goodnight, i love you.

You: i love you too, goodnight.

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