cheated on

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Damiano: okay i am gonna go now! Bye!
You: bye baby, give me kiss
Damiano kissed your forhead.
You: please, on The lips.

He walked Back to you and kissed you on The lips. You wrapped your hands around his neck.

Damiano: amore i have to go
You: okay bye.
Damiano: i love you
You: i love you too!

Now you watched your man walking out of The door. He was going to studio. You started cleaning The House and getting ready. You were going to lunch with Vic.
You: hey!

Vic: Hi y/n!
You two sat down.
You: so how are things going on at The studio?
Vic: pretty Good, Damiano actually Said he is gonna go Back to home.
You: what? Why?
Vic: idk, he probably wanted to suprise you.
You: oh, i wish.

You both laughed. You two ordered some food and talked a lot.

Vic: but yeah enough of My dating life, how are things going with you and dami?
You: Good, i mean everything is good.
Vic: ooo, tell me more
You: well he is so sweet and makes me feel happy and cared.
Vic: aww, well i can tell he seems happier with you.

Little Time skip

You: it was nice to have luch and lets do this again some Time!
Vic: yeah of course, bye!
You Hugged Victoria and went Back to home.

You opened The front door and went inside.
You: Dami are you here?!

You took of your shoes and walked to upstairs. Then you noticed that The bedroom door was closed. You rushed to The door and opened. Only to find out Damiano in bed with another girl. Your mind frozed and heart was beating fast. You just stared.

You: Baby?

Damiano quickly covered himself and they both looked at you. You felt like fainting. Your heart was broken..

Damiano: oh amore! This is not what IT Looks like!!
You bursted in tears and runned Back downstairs. Damiano runned after you.
Damiano: shit! Y/n wait!

You stopped and turned to Look at him.
Damiano: Look i can explain-..
You: no you can't f*cking asshole!!
Your saddness started to turn in to anger.
You: i did everyhing For you! I trusted you!!
But you just cheat on me?! Did you Even ever loved me?

Hot Tears just didn't stop falling from your eyes.
Damiano: of course i love you! And Look this was mi-..
You: WELL IF YOU LOVED ME WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON ME!! You threw away everything we had.
Damiano: please y/n!
You: no.. its over.
You took a one last look of him. You wipes the hot salty tears from your cheeks but it didn't help since your eyes were like water falls.

You took your purse, Tears rolled down his cheecks.

You: i hope i will never see you again.
Those last words stayed on Damianos head For a long Time. As you closed The door your knees felt weak. You found The nearest bench and called Victoria.

You: Vic!
Vic: y/n IS everything okay?
You: No! Damiano cheated on me!
Vic: oh.. where are you?
You: sitting on a bench somewhere
Vic: you can come at My place
You: thanks, i just feel like i can't do anything-..
Vic: y/n listen! You are The strongest person i know! Come here now
You: okay i am coming.

Victorias words made you cry even more.

Little Time skip

You told Vic everything that happened.
You: u know i thought he was The one..
Vic: well sometimes on Life you lose people or something happens but it opens a new journey in your Life.
Vic Hugged you. Tears rolled down your cheeck. It hurted now but maeby it is gonna Make sense ...

How did you like this one?
Also did you see The mammamia music video?

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Anything thats going on in your Life, you Will get through it, because you are strong<3

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