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You were super busy with all the work you needed to get. When you really wanted to get something done you went inside your own bubble. You only focused to get the work stuff done. You woke up early to not waste any hours. You were sitting on the kitchen table eating breakfast. "What are you doing up so early?" Victoria asked while taking a glass of water. "I am starting my day early because i have a lot work to finish", you replied. She went back to sleep. After few hours you were still sitting in the kitchen doing work on your laptop. You heard someone walked behind you. "Morning", Damiano whispered while he hugged you. "Morning", you replied. "Can you come back to bed?" he asked. "Sorry I can't", you answered and took a sip of your coffee. "Take a break", he told you. You didn't listen to him. Damiano took coffee and left the kitchen.

After an hour everyone came to the kitchen to eat breakfast. You went back to the bedroom. It was more calm there. You changed your clothes and jumped in bed to continue doing your work. "Amore", Damiano said while laying his head on your thighs. You moved your laptop to take a look of his face. Soon Damiano left as he realized you were not going to stop. Some time later you decided to take a break. You went downstairs to eat. No one else was in the house. While walking back to upstairs back to your bedroom you yawned. Your eyes started to feel a little heavy. You used the toilet and went back to finishing your work. About 30 minutes later you heard the front door open. Damiano walked into the room. "Please take a break", he begged. "I took one already", you told him. "Can we watch a movie?" he asked. You didn't hear the question. He left as you didn't answer.

Around 6pm you were finally done with your work. You smiled and stretched your arms. You rubbed your face with your hands. You went downstairs to see what everyone else were up to. "Hey what are you guys doing?" you asked. "Watching a movie", Ethan answered as his gaze was focused on the TV. You sat next to Damiano. He had his arms crossed. He looked mad. You tried to cuddle with him but he didn't move. Half way the movies you went to the bathroom. As you locked the door you sighed. You had a headache and your eyes felt so dry. Not to make anything better your boyfriend was maybe mad at you. You rested your forehead on your hands and few tiny hot tears streamed down your cheeks. You were so tired. You wiped off your tears and went to shower.

After the shower you went to the living room. No on was there. They probably went to bed, you thought. You went upstairs and saw Damiano walking to the balcony. He looked back and saw you, he quickly turned his head. You put on some clothes and walked on the balcony. The beautiful sunset painted the sky with soft colors. You leaned against the door frame. "Hey", you said. Damiano took a glance at you and then looked away. You were so sad to see him like that. You walked up to him. "I am sorry", you said and touched his hand. "Get off me", he replied and pulled his hand away and walked inside. "Why are you acting like this?" you asked and walked to him. He rolled his eyes, "Talk to me!" you shouted. "Well think a little bit", he said turning to face you. "I know I focused on my work the whole day and ignored everyone but i needed to get it done. Why are you acting like this?" you repeated. "I said think about it, idiot", he quietly replied. "Excuse me?" you said, "No need to call me by names. I am sorry i was busy. But you don't need to act like this", you continued. "Like what?" he teased. "Like a bitch!" you answered. "Oh so who is here calling by names now huh!" he shouted. "You know, tell me when you are ready to talk nicely, I can't with you right now", you told him. You decided to leave the room. You were on the edge of crying. "Yes walk away like you always do!", he shouted after you. You turned back to him and went closer. "I have never walked away. I always talk but i can't with you right now", you said with a cold tone. You left him alone and as the door closed behind you, you burst into tears. You walked down the stairs and sat on the last stair. Someone sat next to you. "Is everything okay?" Victoria asked and stroked your back. You shook your head. She hugged you and you cried on to her shoulder. "You want fresh air?" she asked. You nodded. You two went to sit on the front door stairs.

You told her what happened. "But i don't understand why he needs to act so.." you said. "Rude?" Victoria asked. "Yeah. I know i was ignoring everyone while working and I am sorry but he doesn't even care listening", you said. After you two talked, you went back inside. You wished each other goodnight.

You went back to the bedroom. Damiano was laying in bed looking at his phone. You quickly walked past him in to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and went to bed. You laid down and turned your back at him. He turned his back to you and kept scrolling his phone. You never wanted anyone to go bed mad.

You knew that this was not how you wanted to go sleep. You sat up on the bed and looked at Damiano. "Hey Dami, I don't want this to be like this. I am so sorry. I was so focused on my work. I should had take more breaks and talked with you. I am just not the best at it", you said to him.He turned to be face to face with you. He closed his phone and looked at you. You got emotional. "Please don't be mad", you said while a tear slid down your cheek. "Non piangere amore ( don't cry love)", he whispered and came closer to you. You saw a tear on the corner of his eye. He wrapped his hands around you. It was a tight hug. "I am sorry amor", he told you. "It's okay, don't be mad at me", you replied. He slowly pulled off and looked deeply in to your eyes. "No, i called you by names and acted rude. i am sorry i shouldn't never ever do that. i am sorry that i was acting so hard i was just pissed off", he explained. You wiped his tear away and smiled. He came closer to your face and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "Ti amo amore", he whispered gently. "I love you too", you replied. He laughed. "What?", you asked. "Why didn't you say it in italian my love?" he asked smiling. "Ti amo Damiano", you told him. His smile got wider and he showered you with kisses.


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