Skully Takes Care of You

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Skully was making you soup for your sick stomach. Jay wasn't really up for control as he was tired and overwhelmed with Alex. Jay just hoped Skully knew what he was doing.

Skully fills you a bowl of soup, gets your favorite drink, and heads to your room. He grabbed your favorite movie series and another fluffy blanket from the livingroom before heading upstairs. Skully knocked on the door to see if you're awake.

"Hey..." he says quietly and slowly walks over to you in bed after you said he could come in.
"Hm...?" you say in a tired way in somewhat pain
"I made you something -" He said calmly and sits down next to you handing you the drink, soup, and blanket. He laid down the movies on your nightstand.
You smile and kiss his masked cheek. "Thank you skulls." you say happily.

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