Chapter 8 (Proposing)

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Love is an open door proposal. See the video on the top. ⬆⬆

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Conner's P.O.V

I was fighting with all my will. Leading the team in a way that would make my parents proud. We were all concentrated when another red ranger joined the fight. I recognized the costune as Uncle Jason's. I was glad we had more help. I found it strange that Zeltrax wasn't here.

All he usually wanted was to fight my dad. I decided to ignore the sour feling at the pit of my stomach.

Just keep fighting and defeat. Then I can go check on my parents.

My concius told me. Or I told myself.

Tommy's P.O.V

Trini and I gasped. He was right there. He could easely hurt Kim and our baby.

I took a step foward. He got closer to her.

''Listen Zeltrax, I don't know what you want or why you're here. But what I do know is that if you get a inch closer to her I will make sure you rot in hell,'' I advised. I knew Zeltrax wasn't much of a challenge.

He was more bark than actually bite.

I usually went easy on him. He really underestimated me.

If he dared take a step closer to Kim I was going to terminate him.

''Listen. I am giving you a chance Zeltrax. If you turn around and leave we can deal this some other time. If not then it really isn't a mans fight if you need to use my loved ones.''

I knew that statement had him thinking. However I also knew he wouldn't back down easily. I mean sure he was harmless, but he still wanted to make me miserable and was willing to go to extremes.

''I will not back down. I will bring the black ranger to his end.'' And with that he launched at me.

I was a good thing that I was expecting his attack and was able to dodge.

I decided to power up.

''Dino Thunder Power Up... Ha.'' In less than two minutes I was up and ready to finish this once and for all.

''Aghhhhh.'' Zeltrax continued to attack me and I just kept on dodging him.

Then I took out my spear and went to attack him.

I knew he wasn't expecting that, because he had been preparing to attack again.

I kept on slashing through Zeltrax, but I knew that I was only slowly weakening him. Then he did something I feared. He jumped on the hospital bed. I was scared for Kim.

I looked under him and noticed that Kim wasn't there. I looked around the room and realized that Trini had probably taken her outside for safety.

I called on my power and became invisible.

''Black ranger! Show yourself.'' He said.'' Don't be a coward and face me.''

He started to make ''Argh'' noises and to be honest I was annoyed so I attacked him. Then moved out of his way and attacked by the opposite side.

By now Zeltrax was kneeling on the bed because he was so weak.

I went to attack him again and this time pierced right through him. Then his body became dust and vanished away.

I sigh in relief. Although I probably look like a fire fighter who just came out of a fire. I decided to take a quick shower in the bathroom inside the room.

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