Chapter 3 (What do you mean I am not McKnight)

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Mr.Mcknight's P.O.V

I heard the phone from the kitchen ringing I went to respond but instead got yelled at, ah Conner must have done something stupid.

"Yes hello Principal Randall, " I said.


"Alright thank you," I said as I hanged up than I noticed my wife.

"Who was it?"

"That was the principal, she says Conner's failing," I said.

"I think it's time we tell Conner and take him to his mom and let her get his custody," my wife said as we kissed,  then we headed over to the door to see angry Conner walk in then past me and into his room slaming his door. This moment my wife and I knew was the time, we had been trying to get rid of him but now we were definitely telling him to go. My wife and I walk to the door and without knocking we walked in.

"Don't  you know how to knock?" he asked rudely.

"This is our house Conner, we can come in," I said to him.

"Why are you so mad?" asked his mother.

"I don't know, maybe because of the fact that I just found out my teacher and his ex-girlfriend are my biological parents," he said.

"We were going to tell you, but how did you know who Ms.Hart is?" I asked.

"You mean it's not a lie, I am really not your son, Mr. Oliver and Kimberly Hart are really my parents," he said, mad.

"Conner, we adopted you because we thought we couldn't have kids, we wanted you to be talented, then you began failling school, and we let it slide because you were amazing at soccer, but now even that your failing,  we are going to call Ms.Hart and give her back your custody."

"Why didnt you just do it when I was in Middle School and Alex was born, isn't she the child of your dreams?" He asked.

"Yes she is, we would have but we felt bad for your real mother, she was about 16 when she had you, but pack your things you leave today, tomorrow your last name will no longer be McKnight it will be watever it is," I said as my wife and I left.

I called Ms.Hart.

"Ms.Hart, it's nice to hear of you again."

"Who is this?" She asked.

"It's Mr.McKnight,  I am calling to tell you that we are giving up Conner's adoption, " I said.

"Really?" She asked, I could hear the joy in her voice.

"Yes," I responded, " I need you to pick him up toady, please oh and I heard your living here in Reefside so, I hope it's no trouble. "

"No of course not, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Isn't your house like 8 minutes away?"

"Yeah, but I am at ex-boyfriend's house."

"Alright, see you then," I said as I hanged up.


Kim and I took a deep breath as we saw Conner jump into his sport car, and leave.

" why didn't you tell me? Kim, I would have helped," I said, she looked sad and I saw tears rolling down her cheek.

"I am sorry Tommy, at the time, Jason, Trini and Zack had just passed down their power coins, and the new team needed the old rangers experience,  they needed you."

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