Chapter 4 (The letter)

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I was walking in Angel Grove, in the morning you know the usual routine, but today something felt strange. I ignored it and just kept walking until I got to the Youth Center, where I found Rocky and Kat talking to Ernie.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said, they looked at me and then passed me a letter. The envelope was pink, so this must be Kimberly.

The letter said.
Hey guys, I just wanted to send you all a letter to inform that I just moved to Reefside, California. Oh make sure Jason reads this, How dare you not tell me Tommy lived here, and that he was a Power Ranger. Back to my nice letter. From now on Tommy and I are going to take care of Conner if you as his uncles/aunts have any wishes on meeting him, Tommy and I are holding a ranger family reunion, and since our son is the new red ranger we don't have to hide it from him. So the reunion will be on December 13th, 2014. In other words the day you receive this. So see you soon, the address is below and your lucky Angel Grove is so close.
With love Kim .

"Great so we have a Ranger reunion today, let's get the others and go," I said, then I looked at the address, wait a minute that's Tommy's address, oh lord we all pray for no fights and pure friendship.

"Go where?"asked Zack as he and Aisha joined us. I handed them the letter they both read it and then we took the sign of heading towards the car as our cue to look for the others.

"Okay, I will go look for Trini," I said, they nodded.

"Zack and I will go for Adam," Aisha said.

"Kat and I will go for Billy," said Rocky.

"We will meet back here okay and then we'll all just go together," I said they nodded and we went our separate ways. I called my wife, Trini as I headed to pick her up.

"Hey Jase," she said.

"Hey, I have news."

"What did you do, Jason Lee Scott, oh no you forgot to pick up Kaitlyn and Mikayla didn't you?"

Oh no, I did forget that. Kaitlyn and Mikayla my two thirteen year old twin daughters, they're complete oposites.

"Well yeah, but that's not why I am calling, in fact get dressed fast I'll pick the girls up and then I'll pick you up."

"Wait where are we going?" She asked.

"I'll tell you when I pick you up, just do what I said, and bye love ya."

"Lovee ya too."

Instead of heading to the right I went left towards my daughters school. They were both talking to Alison and Carla,  Alison is Rocky's and Kat's daughter, she and the girls were all best friends.  Carla is the daughter of famous singer Trish Mahula. Her mom was never there to raise her and she got along with us just fine, we'd known her since she was in kindergarten,  she's like another niece.

I called Rocky.

"Rocky, do I pick Alison up, I am already in the school."

"Oh okay, thanks dude, I had completely forgotten, " he said.

"Yeah, I had too but Trini reminded me," I answered.

"Okay, I already got Billy, and Zack and Aisha are here with Adam."

"Okay, thanks, ask Zack or Aisha if I should pick Kyle up?"

I heard him ask Zack who seemed to agree. Kyle is Zack's and Aisha's fourteen year old.

"Yeah he agreed."

"Okay , bye see you later," I said.

"Bye." The line went dead and Mikayla and Kaitlyn walked in the car, I lowered the passenger seat's window   and yelled at Alison.


Family Reunion was our code, she walked in the car and we left towards the other side of the school, which is the High School.

I picked up the boy and he seemed tense at the sight of Mikayla.

I passed by home and Trini was waiting, I passed her the letter, and she smirked.

We left and soon after that we left Reefside.

Two Hours later in Tommy's house ( Conner's P.O.V)

I was talking with Kira, at dad's living room, when there was a knock on the door. I hurried off to open it and when I did, I found about seven adults and four teens.

"May I help you?"

"Is this Tommy Oliver's house," the guy next to an asian woman asked.

"Yeah, may I ask who you are?" I said.

"I am Jason Lee Scott, she's my wife Trini Kwan but now of course she's a Scott, that's Zack Tayler, his wife Aisha Campbell but now she's Tayler, then that's Adam Park, he's Billy Cranston,  then that's Katherine Hillard who Is now Desantos and her husband Rocky Desantos, and those are our kids," he said, I realised I had heard this names before, I looked at Kira for help but she was deep in thought until her eyes widened.

"Your Dr.O's original teemates," she said.

"Oh you know about the Power Rangers," Aisha asked.

"We are the red and yellow dino rangers," I said.

"Your Tommy's and Kim's son?" the one who I assumed to be Billy asked, then I nodded.

"Dad is in school grading the make-up test we took last week, and mom should be down in the Comand Center with Hayle, Trent and Ethan," I said, they looked confused," I am Conner Oliver the red ranger, she's Kira Ford the yellow ranger, Ethan James is the blue ranger, Trent Fernandez is the white ranger, Hayle Zictor, she's a good friend who knows about everything, she's also the one who works with the computers here," I said, they nodded, I let them in before yelling out to mom.

She came up and smiled." What is i... guys you arrived I thought you would have called, why don't you come help Hayle and I finish the steak and mash potatoes, " I said.

"Scince when does Kimberly Anne Hart, not say hi?" Jason stood up, put his hands on his hips and acted as if he was annoyed.

"Come here, Jason," mom said back. Jason hurried and hugged her tight.

"Hey Jase, don't get her all to yourself,  girl you have a lot to explain starting by since you and Mr.multi color ranger get along, I mean you broke his heart and he hated you," Aisha said, mom broke away from Jason and looked at Aisha.

"The thing was that I told him the truth and he accepted it, in fact he says he doesn't want to remember those years."

"Why cause he dated me for a while?" asked Kat, mom stiffened of a way I never saw before.

"Kat.. no that's not it," she answered.

Jason seemed to sence the tense atmosphere so he tried to make small talk, "So what are you and Tommy now?" I was actually interested in thid they hadn't talked to me about their relationship.

"Jason, Kim and I are back to dating," I heard my dad's voice through the room.

"Wow Tommy, what happened to your hair?"Rocky asked.

"Times change, Rocky," he asnwered.

"Well it looks like Kim doesn't care wether you have long or short hair?" Kat giggled.

"Um... dad please tell me you weren't one of those weird teens with long hair," I ask.

"Oh he had long hair, alright, here see yourself, "Jason said, handing me a picture of the original team, Mom looked beutiful and completely in love with dad, I smiled.

"Anyway let's get to the party," Zack yelled, and soon we were all eating and just being a normal family, until the alarm went of, and we went into battle.

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