Chapter 10 (Wedding Bells)

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Kimberly's POV

Today was the most awaited day of my life. For years I'd wondered if I'd ever marry Tommy.

Turns out the answer was yes, our ring boy was our son and my flower girls were Kira, Kaitlyn, Mikayla, and Alison. Of course my maids of honor were  Trini, Kat, and Aisha. Then there was Tommy's  best men. That had been a difficult task do to the fact that Jason, Adam, Billy, Rocky, Zach,  Trent, and Ethan were all in for the job. 

However there was no way we were going to have so many men next to him so Trent and Ethan are sitting down in the second bench. Rocky and Zach were sitting in the front. Then next to Tommy there would be Jason, because he said ''There is no way I am allowing you to marry my baby sis unless I am your best man, even if we're best friends.''  Then Billy was chosen because he was serious and knew when to behave. Adam well I am not sure why we left Adam up there I probably should have made him sit too.

Now I was ready and waiting for whoever was walking me down the aisle.

Then I heard three knocks from my door.

''I am going to open it. I bet you'll be surprised when you see who's walking you.'' Trini said as she opened the door.

I would have expected Jason, but never in my wildest dreams Zach and Rocky.

''Did you really think we would just sit and do nothing but eat in your wedding, we've been shipping you and Tommy for years, we deserve this.'' Zach said as he and Rocky offerd to take one of my hands.

''Are you girls ready?'' asked Rocky.

''We are, you guys took forever.'' Aisha said.

We were soon at the door that would lead to the chapel with no other thoughts I saw as Kira and the girls opened the door and began walking in front of me.

The wedding song playing I began to slowly walk through the aisle seeing different generations of Rangers in their seats. Starting with us and ending with the Mega force Rangers. The Mystic Force Rangers waved at me and Chip mouthed 'Congratulations'. The Samurai Rangers were all cuddled up. Emily was snuggling with Jayden. Mia with Antonio. Kevin and Lauren. And although people thought Mike had it in for Emily turns out when he met Serena really was his perfect match.

SPD were all stiff and serious. They were from the future and probably already knew my grandkids.

Lost Galaxy Rangers were very happy to be in Earth once again. Then there were the Zeo rangers. Seeing them broke me. Well seeing Tanya. Everyone else was somehow involved in the wedding. Tommy being the red ranger, Jason the black, Kat the pink, Adam the green, and Rocky the blue.

The Turbo rangers looked impatient. Justin was a full grown up now, Ashley as pretty as ever, Carlos, Cassie and even Tj.

Zhane and Andros were catching up with Carlos, Tj, Cassie, and Ashley. I wonder how it felt to be with your team mates once again.

The Wild Force rangers were laughing as expected. They were one of my favorite teams that weren't from my age of rangers.

The Ninja Storm rangers were creeping me out they just stared at me as I walked, it made me nervous.

Jungle Fury was taking a whole bench, they all smiled and waved at me. As you can tell there were only a few family members that weren't rangers.

I liked it like this though. All these rangers had worked hard to protect people just like my team and I did. That was something that made me befriend them all.

Just then I reached my stop where the man I hadn't noticed stood. He looked very handsome today. The guy that was going to marry us which by the way was the Samurai's mentor, began to speak.

''Friends and Family of the BRIDE and GROOM, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day.

We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between BRIDE and GROOM, by joining them in marriage.

All of us need and desire to love and to be loved.

And the highest form of love between two people is within a monogamous, committed relationship.

BRIDE and GROOM, your marriage today is the public and legal joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts.

Marriage will allow you a new environment to share your lives together, standing together to face life and the world, hand-in-hand.

Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another.

To be successful, you will need strength, courage, patience and a really good sense of humor.

So, let your marriage be a time of waking each morning and falling in love with each other all over again.'' As he said that everyone around the room began to clap giving him a break before he had to continue.

''Thomas Oliver do you take Kimberly Ann Hart to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health till death do you part?''

Tommy took my hands into mis and smiled as he said, ''I do.''

I smiled up at him almost impatient to kiss him.

''Kimberly Ann Hart do you take Thomas Oliver to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health till death do you part?''

I'd been nodding since he said my name. ''I do.''

''With the power invested in me I know pronounce you Mr and Mrs Tommy Oliver.'' He took that break as everyone clapped and cheered us on. However our urges to kiss couldn't wait anymore so we kissed.

''Oh well you may now keep on kissing the bride.'' He said as he clapped and laughed.

We took a step away from each other and grabbed Connor and made him join our family hug. Unfortunately it ended with four teams of rangers hugging in the end.

----3 Hours Later

''Okay all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies, put your hands up.'' I sang as I turned my back to the un-married woman and threw my bouquet.

''NOOOOOOO, I am not ready comme on mom throw the bouquet again.'' I heard Connor groan and everyone laugh. I turned around to see Kira had caught it.

''Fine I'll go find someone else to marry.'' She said smirking knowing he'd get jealous.

''Who said I wanted to wait I said. I am ready. Mom when's the wedding?'' He said nervously. Kira and I gave him the 'Nice save' look.

''Everyone come on let's take a group picture to remember for live.'' Kat said.

All the ranger generations stood in back of us by order. Our children at the front since their all young and small. Well most of them. And that's how I stood happily married to the man of my dreams with a huge family of friends. A awesome son with a  wonderful soon to be daughter in law. And a baby on the way.

My life was just how I liked it to be and no one would ruin our family... ever.

The End.


Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this story just like how I enjoyed writting it. It's now come to an end. And truthfully I don't plan on making a sequel. However if I get enough support to make one I might.

Thank you all for the support with this short story that was actually be way shorter but ended up extended.

With love to all of you

Happy Birthday to everyone who's birthday is when your reading this.

Joky04 & Emely1050

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