Chapter 5 (Winter Break)

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As Kim and I walked inside the school, I heard a bunch of screaming teenagers, Ugh Winter Break hasn't even started and I was already dreading for school to begin.

"You know, it's not that bad, at least we'll get to spend some time with Conner," Kim said, I perked up. The son that I had just found out about. He was one of my students. He was no longer McKnight he was now an Oliver. A few people had asked why his last name had changed, but we had said the truth just not the fact that gis biological parents were Kim and I. To everyone else except the team I was just his science teacher,  and Kim his gymnastics coach.

"Yeah you're probably right." Kim and I had started to get moere serious in our relationship,  we lived in the same house. And we did share the bed, most of the time. We'd been back together for three months now, and I was starting to think that I should propose.  I mean yeah it's only been three months, but before we had dated for two years and we had a sixteen year old son. We should have married a long time ago. I thought about it and decided to wait till Christmas.

"See you later, Kim." I kissed her. A

quick kiss on the lips right before leaving her at the gim's door and heading towards my class. The bell rang, luckily I was entering the class by now.

"Hello class." I sigh. I looked around the room, my eyes caught sight of Ethan, and Trent. No sight of Kira or Conner.

"Good morning Dr.Oliver," they all answered.

"May I ask, where Conner and Kira are?" I asked. I was getting annoyed, what was he thinking just because his my son doesn't mean I won't punish him.

"I saw them walking this morning, they said they had to go to the soccer field for something," Ethan told me, I nodded.

"Ethan, you are in charge while I go get them."

"Dr.O, aren't I better for this, than Ethan? " Cassidy Cornell asked.


I left the classroom and headed towards the soccer field. They're both in so much trouble.


I was with Conner, we'd been dating for one week now and since we were keeping it a secret we had to skip class to hang out and things like that.

"Your dad is going to kill us," I said.
"Oh please dad can't say nothing he was a teen when he impregnated mom so, you and I are not doing anything like that so it's fine."

"NOT IT'S NOT, YOU MAY BE MY SON BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO BE IN CLASS," I heard Dad say, I turned around and saw a very mad Tommy Oliver.
"Oh hey dad, you know the change of shirt color is really looking good on you,"I said.
"Inside now, to the both of you, we'll talk about this later.''

We walked back to class. Dr.O returned to his duties. And as we heard the bell ring we headed out. During second period I didn't speak to Conner. In third I ignored him. In fourth I took a seat in between Ethan and Trent leaving Conner no space. In fith I was in a different class. In sixth I had Study Hall so I didn't see him. As the last period of the day came, I felt even more nervous. Conner and I had AP History together. Luckly our teacher has assigned seats for us. I was sitting in the seventh seat in the first row and conner was two rows away. The bell rang and I took my leave. I went to my locker and I spotted Dr.O walking towards me.

''Kira can you come with me?'' he asked. I sigh, I didn't want to get in trouble by my boyfriend's father. That was just weird, plus if I wanted to get accepted into the family I would want to be liked.

''Yeah sure,'' I replied. I followed him to his office. I was expecting Conner to be there but he wasn't.

''Kira am I right to think that you and Conner are dating?'' he asked. I nodded. Although I wasn't so sure anymore seing as I've been avoiding him all day.''Alright, now what I want to know is why didn't you guys tell us.''

''We just started dating a week ago, and you guys were going through all the papers of giving Conner your last name.''

''I guess I understand, hey I am not mad, just disapointed that two of my rangers are dating and I had to catch them to find out, and lets just say I kind of see Conner as a little boy in my eyes, you know he's always going to be my baby.''

''But what about when you didn't know  about him being your son, how did you feel about him at that time?'' I asked. I am so thankful that Dr.O took this well.

''You four, I mean Conner, Trent,, Ethan and you, I saw you all as my kids. Until the day I met my biological kid, that doesn't mean I love you guys any less it just means that I see Conner as more than just a kid that I take care of, or more than a student, even more than a teammate, he's my blood and flesh so, it's a bit weird to explain but it's as if I always felt connected to Conner.''

We talked for a while until we had to go. I found Conner outside of the school by his car waiting for someone.

''Hey, who are you waiting for?'' I asked, as I approach him.


''Why me?''

''Because last time I checked your my girlfriend and you have been avoiding me,'' he said.

''I am sorry I was just a little scared of getting in trouble with you're dad.''

''So did you?'' he asked. I shook my head No.

''Want to go watch a movie and then I take you home?'' he asked.

''Sure, let me just call mom, I mean it's friday and next week it's Christmas break so she shouldn't care to much.''

Christmas Day Kim's P.O.V

Tommy and I woke up early in the morning and put the christmas presents for all four rangers under the christmas tree. The rangers had all slept over. Kira was sleeping in the couch while the other three enjoyed the floor. By now everyone knew about Conner and Kira dating. To be honest I was so happy to see my baby boy grow up. Before I used to wonder if Conner would date a girl who was nice or some prostitute. But I am happy to say that he loves Kira and that she loves him back, they just don't know that yet. Or at least their denying it, but I know what I am saying.


''Conner shut up, the others are sleeping,'' I hissed. Just as I said that Kira, Trent, and Ethan woke up.

''Or at least they were.'' Tommy said from behind.

''Let's open the presents'' Ethan said, we all went under the christmas tree. After everyone had opened their presents we went into the family room and watched a christmas movie marathon, while eating popcorn, cookies, and drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows.




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