Chapter 9 (Hurry)

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Aisha's POV

''Why are we doing this today?'' Kim asked as we dragged her through the mall.

We decided that the wedding needed to be taken care of soon. Reason for that is that in just a couple of months Kimberly is going to be as big as a mama whale.

How do we know?

We've see pictures of when she was pregnant with Connor.

Although nobody beets Trini. She looked like she was three whales all together. She was big.

Jason used to tell stories about how so many times he'd fall of the bed do to her barely fitting in.

Then he got smacked by Trini so he stopped talking.

Back to where I was. We're buying our brides made outfits today, we're also buying the brides outfit. And since we took the wedding planning into our own hands they will be marrying next week in the beach.

Connor is exhausted. This last two weeks have been hard on him. He has a pregnant mother and a father who is on the edge. Plus since Tommy has been a bit busy he has taken all responsibility of the team, so he is kind of stressed.

''Because in a matter of weeks you wont fit in anything,'' Kat said.

I don't think Kim was completely happy to hear that, especially from Kat.

''Umm.......Kim is everything okay?'' Kira asked as she joined us. She didn't take long to realize that Kim is mad.

''Kira my salvation. Please take me home.'' She begged. Kira seemed to think it over then she glanced at us and we shook our heads.

''I am sorry Kim, but I can not fight three former rangers on my own.''

''Yes you can.'' She tried again, but I didn't let her finish and just pulled her into a store...........This is going to be a long day.

Connor's POV

Trent's birthday was tomorrow and I didn't want to forget it so I went of and bought him a gift today while buying my tux for the wedding.

However my mood wasn't good so I ended up buying him a watch with bats and spiders.

''Son!'' I heard dad call from behind.

''Yes dad?''

''I know that you bought Trent a present already, but I think this would be a better gift for him.'' He said giving me a bag.

I opened it and inside there was a coloring expert package.

''Okay dad, but isn't this your gift?''

''No I got him something different.''


My dad left and I looked at the package and remembered the day that Trent drew Kira. Oh I was so jealous that day, so I tried to draw her, but failed so badly because I ended up drawing a stick figure. Then when they dated that just drove me crazy. Luckily she dumped him and they stayed as friends. And now she is dating me. Which is most likely forever seeing as we haven't exactly stayed innocent.

Hopefully my dad and mom don't caught on what's going on. Reality is that's why I am so stressed. I am not really it's more of me needing sleep.

Kira's POV

We finally bought a dress and were leaving. I was dying to go home. I hadn't see Connor all day and it was killing me. So far we were almost done preparing the wedding all that was missing was the music, but I think I can get that covered. Maybe I'll be able to show my skills and impress my future mother-in-law and father-in-law. Even if they already loved me, but still you can never be to sure. So here I go.


I know it's been forever and this chapter is short, but I have been very busy and I have an active life with people. My family is driving me crazy saying things like I am antisocial and so on so I've been staying of the computer most of the time. But here we go. It's finally summer. Next chapter is the wedding and after that there should be about two or one more chapter, before we're done here. See ya


Joky04 & Emily1050

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