Chapter 2: Heartbroken

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A few months after moving away from her best friend and childhood crush Esme was devastated and heartbroken that she was no longer able to see Sol anymore. At her new school she kept to herself never making any attempt at making any new friends. She also became rebellious towards her father, giving him the silent treatment nearly all of the time except when she actually needed to talk to him.

Castor: Young lady I was letting your behavior slide since your grades are decent even though your attitude needs some improvement. If you continue to act out like this I will start home schooling you, then you will have NO CHOICE but to talk to me! I also heard from your teachers that you won't even try to make any friends either. You should. You're going to need them later on as you get older.

"Humph!" Esme rolled her eyes and continued to do her homework.

By the end of middle school Esme seemed to have made at least four new friends. Come high school would be a whole new set of issues between her and her father, and at some point the police would get involved. 

During those same months, after Esme moved away Sol too was heartbroken. He barely ate and would sneak out of the house every night just to see if Esme had returned.

"Sol dear if you've finished with your studies please come down to eat. Sol, you've barely eaten anything since that girl left. I don't see why you'd hang around a girl like that. Just forget her. She's obviously NOT coming back."

Every morning before his studies he'd wish on the broken locket that he had kept from the mine. He also hoped that Esme still had the other half. Sol sat in his room all alone. He didn't want to eat.  When his mother would get fed up waiting for him, she would send a maid to bring him food which he barely touched sometimes refusing to eat it at all. 

One of the staff: "Sol, if you continue to keep this up I won't be responsible for what comes next! Don't blame me if you starve to death!"

When he was hungry one of his more caring maids or caregivers would bring food to him when his mother wasn't home. Sols' mother was never aware of his secret meals. For she was too distracted to notice much of anything going on with her son. She was more preoccupied with preparing her son to run the family business and get all of the necessary preparations taken care of before he was of age to do so.

One night that changed when she went to his room to praise him for his high marks in his studies and congratulate him on the many pristine high schools who were willing to accept him. (Although she bribed at least 3 of them). When she found that he wasn't in his room he had the maids and staff go searching for him.

It was 2 am by the time anyone had found him. He was there sitting in front of the mines near the playground. After finding her son there, Dara was so furious that she forced a construction crew the demolish the mines, and had the playground relocated. She said it was because that area wasn't safe for the children. Yet, in truth she didn't want him going down there, and she wanted him to forget about Esme.

"Young man you are grounded to this house until you've become of age! Until then, you are not to go anywhere! That is except special family gatherings. You will NOT be attending school anymore either! From now on you shall be home schooled. Do you even realized how worried I was!?"

Sol said nothing and headed for his room. SMACK! "Answer me when I talk to you!"

"Yes, mother."

Dara gave him a disapproving and irritated look. "Speak like a gentleman, a proper child would you!"

"Yes, ma'am."

"It appears that you still haven't been eating as you should! I expect you to join me during meal time or I'll have someone force feeding you! I will Not have the head of the family starving himself! Is that clear!"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"That's better, now go to your room!" 

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