Chapter 9: Runaways

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One day Sol had returned home. He looked so different than the Sol his mother and everyone else used to know. When he returned he found that his mother had made his engagement official with Lily. When Sol refused his mother threatened to bring ruin to Esme and what was left of her family. After Esme heard he had returned to went to see him only to be shunned by Sol. He rudely shooed her away. She became more devastated with every passing day.

One day she received a wedding invitation for Sol and Lily's wedding. She reluctantly decided to go. Yet weeks before the wedding Sol had escaped with the help of a maid who had seen so much in that house to the point where she couldn't stand to see another child from that family suffer again. She wished him luck only never to be seen ever again. Sol rushed to Esme and said that he didn't want to marry Lily. He only wanted her.

He had only this to say to her as he tried to convince her to run away with him.

"Weather in life or death we will be together forever, nothing will tell us apart I refuse to let that happen! I'll make sure we stay together at any cost..."

Esme spoke hesitantly; ""What about our life here what about our family what about our friends?"

Sol confidently replied; "If they keep being the reason that we're torn apart then we don't need them! All we need is each other. Never forget that I'll love you even beyond the end."

Esme confessed that she missed hm too and would always love him no matter what. Thus, agreeing with him; once again; "Let's go then!" Silently shouted. "We'll run away and just leave everything else behind."

"It will just the two of us, and no one else."

The two of them made plans to ran away and once they did – they never looked back.

While making their plans to escape from their families Sol had uncovered some dark things about his family's history and of their origins. What he found out it shocked him ever so. For he was raised up knowing having told nothing but lies and not once was ever told the true nature of the family business. When he told Esme of his discovery she just stood there in silence unsure of what to say, while also being in a state of fear of his family.

After learning about Sol's family, they were more driven to get away.

While the two of them were planning their escape they had accidently ran into Lily

"Well, well look who it is."

Sol: Sorry Lily we don't have time for your crap.

Lily: Oh, Sol I have a new man now. One much better than you. So, even if you did come crying back to me we're done you hear.

"Good For you?!" Sol said sarcastically. Sol firmly said As he pulled Esme closer. "I have all I could ever ask for. What do I care what you do with your life."

Lily: Hmph! Lily pouted until her new boyfriend showed up. It was no other than his twin brother: .

The two of them exchanged glances. Then Sol said in an stern voice; "Good-bye Lily I do hope that we do not see each other again!" Sol then turned to his brother. "I also wish never to see you again. Now be gone from my site!"

With that Esme and Sol left the town square to gather up the last of their things before disappearing for good.

Esme gathered the last of her belongings without saying one word to her friends. At the same time Sol had confronted his mother while gathering up the last of his belongings before he was to to randevu with Esme. Dara followed her son to where Esme was.

Dara: Sol's mother tried to stop them from leaving. She kept grabbing on his shirt urging him to stay. Saying that what she had been doing all of these years was for his benefit. He gently shoved her aside. Then pulled Esme to him. Hand in hand the two of them fled out of there leaving Dara on her hands and knees crying out for her son. While he and Esme took off into the wind. 

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