Chapter 8: Betrayals & Farewells

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Due to her dishonest, and deceitful lies Esme attempted to stay clear of Dara. Which proved to be ever so difficult for Dara hounded Esme every chance she could making her life miserable at every turn. Trying various ways to get Esme away from her son. Pretty soon Esme had enough.

"Come dear what is it going to take? How much will it cost me for you to stay away from my son."

"How dare you come here while I'm at work! Go away! Regardless of what you may think of myself and your sons relationship we truly love each other and there is nothing you can do nor any amount of money that can keep us apart."

"We'll just see about that my dear." Dara said under her breathe as she left Esme's place of business when some of her co-workers began to get antsy with her being there.

After work Esme went to up with Sol for a late lunch yet when she got to his office Lily had her hands all over him. When Sol noticed her she grew furious. "Wait, Esme it's not what it looks like."

"What are you talking about lover. Oh, you were dating her this whole time and you didn't tell her." Poor miss Esme.

Esme looked at him then to her. "Sol what is she talking about?"

"Lily go on Sol tell her! You and I are engaged to be married. Shame Esme gets to be the last to know, and here she thought that you actually loved her."

Esme became teary eyed and stormed out of there.

Sol tried to pushed passed Lily to catch up with Esme, but it was to no avail.

Esme waiting for Sol to return yet he never did. Esme hugging the stuffed animal that Sol had won for her at the fair. She cried late into the night until she couldn't cry no more. Then all was quiet except the whispers on the winds.

It had been awhile since Esme had seen Sol. She began to worry if something might have happened or if his mother has whisked him away out of town. Like she did once before. A few weeks later after Esme's recent encounter with Lily she found that she no longer had a job. She asked her co-workers and her boss what was going on. None of them gave her a response that is except to shoo her away so they could begin work. She gabbed all of Sols things into a box and left them with is secretary at his place of business.

Due to her job loss Esme had to work over time as a painter, and just to make ends meet with all of the bills and last of her schooling. She did commissions work for others at Kamei's floral and weeding business. Ashton Kamei's boyfriend loved every bit of the work Esme did for them. Due to her unique designs Ashton and Kamie had more customers by the day.

During that time Sol had been constantly calling Esme. She never bothered to actually check and see if it was him. She just knew it was him. By the time she checked her messages Sol had called her several times or the course of just a few weeks. One day she answered his call just to hear what he had to say. The two argued and she officially broke up with him when he tried to explain himself in person.

For several months after their break up Sol was so unhappy that he took some time off work. Even Esme was having a hard time concentration on her work, she too took some time off school. Doing less work with fashion and more so with her paintings instead.

One day out of the blue Sol stopped by at Esme's place. "Esme let me in I'm sorry. Please answer me. It was all a misunderstanding. Lily was just saying nonsense in a means to break us up. I love you not her!"

Esme opened the door and Sol entered the room. "It's been awhile. I hope that you're doing ok."

Esme couldn't hold back her feeling she hugged him in an embrace then they kiss and so on. "Sol, I missed you. Say, do you remember the promise we made back then when we were kids?"

(Actually, a fake Sol): " I missed you too. Yes, I do. This SOL said the promise word for word. Thus, Esme believed it to be him, yet it wasn't him. Not at all.

By the time Esme realized the truth the REAL SOL was in a jealous rage. When the (Real Sol) found out he confronted his twin brother. Sol was raging so much that he beat his brother to the point where he had broken some of his brothers bones. Later on, he and Esme exchanged a few words of their own both believing that the other had betrayed them.

"How could you do this to me?"

"Me what about you, and your so-called fiancé?"

"After all of the times we spent together I thought you knew me by now."

"As did I."

"So, I guess this it it then?"

"Yeah, Good-bye and Farewell."

With that Esme and Sol split up for the last time. They'd go their separate ways for several years.

After his break up with Esme Sol even took his rage out on his mother for doing what she did behind his back, for she had betrayed him: her own son as well. When Dara tried to get him to see it her way. When he refused she stood there watching as her son left their home. Not once ever looking back.

During their time apart Sol was beside himself and turned to drinking. While Esme try as she might complete her latest works, but all it turned out to be was a sea of tears. Esme's friends tried to comfort her yet it was all for not.  At one point a handful of her friends told her to get over Sol and find someone new.Thus, creating a rift between her several of her friends, and those same friends who told her to forget about Sol were no longer considered as her friends.

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