Love at first chat

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Cherry Mielle was busy scrolling down her news feed in facebook then.. Pop! someone chatted.. It was an unfamiliar girl. She decided to peek through the girls profile and found out that they came from the same school. Scanning through her photos Mielle find her really attractive she's beautiful, gorgeous and one of a kind She muttered to herself while smiling like a fool. She replied and the conversation went on until the girl asked for her number and she didn't think twice to give it away. You know.. she already had some friends from the same year as the girl so she doesn't mind. Pryam Flair.. Pryam Flair.. she whispered to herself. There was something about this girl that she can't explain. It was only a while ago when they're talking but pryam already have to go. She missed her that instant feeling like she has known the stranger for years. Mielle find it weird but she was really caught up with her and already waiting for a sms from her, checking out her phone now and then. Argh! She's so pretty! Why the hell i haven't seen her at school?! Mielle talked to herself they have been schoolmates for some years. Of course you haven't seen her! you only keep your eyes to handsome men out there! Another voice from her head told her. Yes! that was very Mielle. She decided to logout and do some stuffs. An hour or so she checked her phone again. Her little sisters were texting already still no sign of Pryam she ignored it and kept herself occupied. About her little sisters, they were Venice,Lauren and Yuri. She really appreciate this three ladies and equally treats them with love and care like an older sister. They were her babies. She smiled happily and texted the them. She loves them very much but at some point Venice was really a jealous girl who oftens compare how she treats the two.

Two days passed.. still no Pryam. She had been waiting ever since that day and to her it seemed longer than it really was. Mielle regret why she didn't ask Pryam's number. Another usual day until she fell fast asleep.She woke up the next morning doing her usual routine time passed and it was afternoon still no sign of Pryam.Just when she thought that the girl will not text her, she received a sms from an unknown no. it reads "hi! this is me Pryam Flair who chatted you through facebook" A huge smile crept through her lips as she quickly replies. They had a long conversation and just like her little sisters Pryam was really sweet too. She just like her that much. The day went on Mielle was glad and Pryam made her day. What Mielle and Pryam didn't know is, this will eventually change both of their lives.

Dayss passed by quickly. The vacation was over and school days are yet to come. Pryam and Mielle already have a connection.

*kriiiing.. kriiiing.. kring...

Argh! What the heck?! Tss. Somebody put that stupid alarm off!! Mielle shouted. She didn't had enough sleep staying up too late with Pryam.
Glad your awake señiorita! Get up time for school. Her mom told her pretty annoyed. She jumped off the bed remembering it was what she had been looking up to this past few days. Unlike any other girl Mielle plainly loves going to school she does not mind those professors who makes school a living hell. Yeah yeah it's really something about her though she was quite irritated with some but still manages to calm down and enjoy. After taking a quick bath and enough breakfast to go on for the day She bid her mother goodbye and went straight to the school.

"Good morning guys!!" Mielle greets her friends while approaching them. There were six of them. Two boys and the rest were girls. "Someones in a good mood." Olivia teased her. "Why not? It's nice seeing you again fellas. Don't you miss me? She asked with humor in her eyes. "Are you possesed or something?" Harold inquired. He was wondering how come she's so cheerful this early in the morning. They were close and he knows how lazy this girl was during times like this. She often comes like a zombie because she's always sleepy. "I'm not. okay?" She playfully hit him in the shoulders. "Then what's with the sudden change?" Pearl asked. "Nothing. I'm just glad vacation's over. She said with an amused smile for inside her head she was saying "It's great you know! I can now finally see pryam PERSONALLY" She grinned forgetting about her friends existence. "Hello!! Mielle to earth? Earth to Mielle?" Sandy said while poking her. She quickly gathered herself and apologized. "The program is going to start ladies so be quite for the prayer" Oliver told them. They did as requested and after the program they all went to their class. Maybe you're all wondering why Mielle have been kinda hyper. Well it's because she's going to see Pryam personally for the first time. She was quite excited about it.

After taking her first few class, Mielle excitedly went to her next subject. She was whistling along the hallway when someone interrupted "Good morning beautiful!" It was her exboyfriend Jordan. He was a nice man but a very passive one so they didn't get along that's why Mielle broke up with him. She was even his first girlfriend. Everbody told her he was a good catch so she really tried to work things out but in the end she gave up. No doubt he was still into Mielle. It have been freaking 5 months but he didn't move on at all. Oh hi jordan. Sorry gotta go.with that she left immediately. She just don't want the guy to get a wrong hint because for her they were all over and done. At first she missed him but then she learned that her bestfriend Leila and Jordan was together after a while of their break up. That made her an evil and she cursed to do everything to seperate the two. She was bitter that time. Can't accept the fact that of all the girls it could be it's her bestfriend. So the cruel Cherry Mielle did carry out a plan of what to do. First, She showed him how far better she was. She was a theater actress for crying out loud! A lot of men tried to get her. So with all confidence she walked infront of jordan with his gang wearing a black off shoulders with tight jeans and high heels. At the corner of her eye she can see how they looked at her with thier jaws dropped. "Hey mielle! Jordan wants a word with you" Vince told her. She looked at them waved off and continue walking without a word. Second, she had a time to talk to him confronting him about it and all he said was it was just a dare. She stopped there seeing that even if they broke up it will not make her happy.Soon the two broke up.

Mielle arrived realizing that she was the first to come. Minutes later the class was filled and the professor came. Good Afternoon. Before we start our class let me introduce to you the officers of our Business and accountancy Guild. They are here to announce certain activities and i'm requiring you to join" The guild officers started to came in one at a time introducing their self and explaining an activity assigned to them. Mielle was eyeing each one who enters until finally.. "Hello everyone. I'm Pryam Flair Schenburg and the auditor of the guild.." She was not able to catch the next things she said she was mesmerized with the girl. Her long dark brown straight hair falls under her rib, a pair of two honey brown eyes that looks straigth to the soul, her perfect nose and her light pink lips that you'll die to kiss. She was not wearing even a single make up at all. Pryam was just naturally beyond beautiful. It's even too good to be trye. She was lost for words until she heard someone said "So that's all" The guild started walking out the room and she saw Pryam walking towards her and when she's close enough she gather the courage to say "hi yosh!"

A/N: So this is my first story! hope you enjoyed it. :) Hit the star if you like it and leave comments. It will mean a lot to me. Thanks!

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