A stolen kiss started it all

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I'm home right now though we still have classes. Oh well since the end of semester was near everyone always came late cause we just have to have our papers signed to be able to get our grades. It's a gross process! Why we have to do that when we work hard all year round just to get our ass off senior high?! It was nearing lunch when I came. I shoved through the bunch of people then started having my papers signed the others were asking something before they sign it most likely your notes for the whole year will do. After that, my friends decided to go home while I was left with Alice. She yanked me to the nearby neighboorhood saying she have to check out on something. I was in PE uniform so I'm comfortable enough to go. I'm actually texting Pryam then she told me they're also going the same way. Oh.. This must be fate. I chuckled with my thought. We take a few curves then turning into a certain corner I saw different faces who were actually strangers to me. Alice talked to them then decided to continue then after some meters away she told me to go on my own and she'll be back there. The nerve of this woman! She got me here then she will left me just like that. I was pretty annoyed with her. I texted Pryam what happened and she told me that she's coming on my way.

Hi! I said smiling at her as she reached me. Hello. You alright? She inquired. Yeah. Alice was a jerk! She left me. Damn it. I replied with annoyance in my voice. It's okay. I'm here with you. She assured me. Where are your friends? I asked suddenly. Hmm. They'll be around.. told them I'll come with you. She smiled at me. That's so sweet of you. Where do we go now? I don't really know maybe I got pink tint on my cheeks right now as I'm telling her that. Alice already made it up to me because she left I'm now with Pryam and how glad I'am. There! She pointed out. Just let me accompany you. She said it with such glow in her face. We walked side by side talking about random things. I really enjoy her company.. everything about her delights me. Her brown hazel eyes and smiles were the best! It is an oasis in the dessert, a light in the dark, a beautiful sunset, a diamond on a tiara, and a rainbow after the rain. Everything about her speaks of beauty. I'm so lucky to have a friend like her. Quite time passed by when her friends showed up, all of them carry a bicycle. She talked with them while I was there again left in an awkward state. I feel the urge to go on biking too so when Pryam came back to me I told her then she borrow one from her friends. She had some trouble riding in the mountain bike so I decided not to. God! I don't want to look like a fool if I stumbled infront of her friends. They will surely laugh at me. It's been a while since I ride one so I'm not that confident with my balance. We walked again talking about common friends, events and of course the Forbes' annoying system. We approached a street I've never walk to so we decided to follow it ending in a dead end. We got tired and buy a drink from a store we spotted while walking in then we settled in a corner. She carefully placed her arms into my shoulders as I snuggled to her leaning beside her neck. Sweet smell. I noted inside my head. It feels so comfortable around her. I heard someone coming our way. My senses were quite sensitive. Someones coming over. I told her and she scoofed as she quickly toss her arm away from me while I sit properly beside her. When they reached us I identify some of them. As usual she knew these persons. They greet her and she does the same while Lucy gave her a peck on the cheek. I came to know the girl because she's the ex of my friend. This girl's really famous. I told myself. Whenever were together she always meet people who knew her and there were lots of them in different instances that we hang out. When the group of girls saw what we earlier met they backed away. We started talking again.. then.. then.. hmm.. a soft thing landed on my lips. Pryam pecked me. It was quick yet enough to get the breath out of me. It was not my first time, I've been kissed like that by other girls but it was clear enough a friendly kiss. In this case it felt different I really got shocked causing me to look away and keep my mouth shut. Are you mad? She asked me after a couple of silence. Hmm. No. I got surprised. I admitted. I just want to.. to.. She trailed off. kiss you more than the five seconds longest you had. She added so low that I will not be able to hear if I'm not beside her. I once told her that one of my friends kissed me and it lasted like 5 seconds. She's also a lady and I call her mommy though were the same age. It's alright. I told her. Can I? She asked. Yeah. sure. I answered without even thingking. Then I felt her soft lips pressed against mine it was a simple kiss.. our lips were bump against each other no commotions at all. I let myself loose and closed my eyes. Hmm. I moaned inside my head I hold on for it not to be uttered. Her lips were sweet.. like the chocolate I love so dearly. A piece of cake, a touch of heavens, the sugar to my coffee if ever i drink, an ice cream in a sunny day, the strawberry I adore, the cream to my frappe, and the roses across my bed. She really does taste sweet.. nope.. the sweetest. I'm savoring the touch of her lips when something tried to flip out of it that's when I break it. We started to wonder again acting like nothing happened and I really thought that's how it's gonna be. While we make our way to the streets she give me a peck on my lips again.. then followed by another.. then another one again. I didn't mind it coz' what will be the problem? She already done it longer. This lady's making me go crazy! We were talking but I don't comprehend any. I was blown away with my thoughts. Let's sit here yosh. She said happily. She's been like that since our lips touched. Her eyes glow and her lips curved widely in a warm smile. While were having our chit chat she surprised me again. She grabbed my face and yanked her lips to mine. This time she moved her lips slowly parting mine and I got lost. Her lips were so soft. Hmm. I moaned in my head I don't actually know if she can hear it or what. My lips dance with hers as her tounge slid through mine carefully. Her lips were so irresistable as my tounge tried the skill she's doing. I'm as virgin as hell. okay? Don't laugh at me. I have never even kissed my boyfriends before. All I do with them was a little holding hands. I had some peck with girls, friendly ones. I slowly moved exploring every part of her mouth. Hmm. God! She taste like heaven! I noted in my head. She pulled away. Mielle? She started. I love you. I love you not as a friend. She speak softly. I look into those brown hazel eyes. And I think I'm falling.. I said softly as I tucked her into a hug. She backed away then pulled me into another kiss. It feels so amazing how our lips lock together like it's the most perfect thing in the world. God! I love this girl. Her taste was the best. I got lost with her as our lips move in synchronization. It was getting dark when we decided to go home.

We were walking along when she suddenly said. So.. Uhm. Were on? She asked. Yeah. Sure. I smiled at her. Really? A hint of disbelief on her voice but it was obvious how happy she was. Yeah. Asked me again and I would change my mind. I teased her. No! No! No! She exclaimed. Yeeesss!! She shouted with glee. She doesn't know how happy I was to see her like that. Shhh.. stop it. haha. I told her. I'm just so glad. I love you Cherry! She said sweetly. Those were like sweet music in my ear and my heart pounded really hard. I love you too Flair!

Later on, I got home and proceed to my room. I slumped in the bed. I touched my lips tracing the outline of it. It really happened.. She kissed me.. and I.. I miss her lips already. Were together! Oh my Gosh! I gigled at the thought. I reached for my phone pressing in a message for My Pryam. Mine and Mine alone. I also started thingking about the strange thing which tried to slid through my mouth the second time she kissed me. Oh.. that must be her tounge asking for an entrance. I laughed with that thought. Is that how badly she really wanted to kiss me? After I ate, I spent the rest of the night thingking about the days event and how it seemed fast yet perfect. I LOVE YOU PRYAM FLAIR SCHENBURG! :* ♥

A/N: Hit the star if you like it :* You can also follow me and leave comments. It will mean a lot to me ^_~ Mwua :***

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