Fate played with us

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Pryam POV

Don't know what to do whenever you are near..
Don't know what to say my heart is floating in tears..
When you smile i could fly ~~

The song seems to symphatize with me. I was left dumbfounded. I never thought that there's a lot more in her.

Just imagine... she just changed her clothes. Then.. Bham! There she was in all her glory.. more stunning than ever.. i just.. just can't help to admire how charming and appealing she was. I can't believe how much her clothes made a difference and the way she carries herself was so graceful and it makes those simple clothes look like they were so expensive and beautiful. I bet guys will really drool over her. tss. I didn't really know what the exact words to say so when we pass over them i called to her Hey! You're a deadmeat. Why did you change there?! I said like i was her mom scolding her while glaring at the same time. What the hell did i just say?! That's how strong her effect was on me. Whenever were together I always feel this strange feeling, my heart is beating so loud that I'm wondering if she can hear it and the way she tells me that she loves me brings this electricfying effect all over my body. We happen to pass over them again and there i was repeating the same exact thing i told her earlier. See? I lost my senses just by seeing her extraordinary beauty.. Her lips that are so tempting to kiss, her not so perfect nose but looks good on her,her cute cheeks that i would like to touch and of course her twinkling black forest eyes when she stare at me were the best. Oh my God! Why i'm saying this about my friend?! I tried to get her out of my mind but the image of how beautiful she was always pops out of my head.

At last we reached the last one, Science Discov'ry Center. What will you expect? Of course it was filled with stuffs that are related to science while they also explained how we will help to lessen the effect of climate change and made us watched an entire film about stars amd constellations. So after that i went to the store of bear cuddler to buy a present for my pretty sweetheart. Hihi. There's no occasion at all i just feel like giving her something. I settled for a creamy white teddy bear with a skyblue flower hairdress on it's head. The bear represents myself cause i want her to have something to hug though she's not aware that it's me. I called her becaise i was worried sick when she told me that her friends are splitting ways and it hurts her. After some ring she took it.


Hello yosh! where are you? i asked.

Hmm. I'm somewhere along the food chains. I'm going to buy a food.

Are you okay? I can come with you, you know.

I'm fine. thanks yosh.

Hmm. You can't reject whatever i'll give you later ok?!

Huh?? Why? It's not my birthday.

Nothing. I just want to.


hmm. i'll fetch you later after this.

Oh.. okay.. yeah sure.

I hung up feeling satisfied.

Cherry Mielle POV

Pryam told me that she was going to give me something so i decided to give her something in return. It's just that it feels awkward and I'm ashamed to receive something without giving anything. I'm in the bookstore right now to buy a red file folder for my algebra class. As i was walking to the counter i happen to pass by some hallmark cards, scrapbook stuffs and etc. I decided to look for something there for Pryam and i settled for a black military tag necklace which have a teddy bear printed on it instead of what was usually written in those. I choose it because it's cute and a necklace is wore near to the heart just like she was to me, the bear represents that i care for her and black was her favorite color. Perfect! I smiled to myself then proceed to pay for it. She also told me that she's going to fetch me later and will take me home which was quite weird but i accepted anyway.

The tour was over and i'm now getting off the bus cause i saw Pryam getting down from hers. I actually don't know how should i approach her so it's a good thing that she's the one who do it. Hi yosh! she greet me. Hello yosh! i smiled at her. we started to walk while were chatting. Here this is for you. She handed me a paper bag. What's this? I asked. Open it. She commanded so i obeyed and see a cute teddy bear inside of it. I was really shy at her cause it's too much. Thank you. I told her shyly. Here I also have something for you. Pryam was quite surprised. Huh? Why? she uttered. Nothing. I just thought to give you something too. She open it and looked at the necklace. I can see through her eyes that she was glad. Oh very well i thought she will not appreciate it. It's not expensive but it means something so that's the purpose of it. We continue our walk till we reached the bus stop. My home is not that far but i'm already exhausted so i still took the bus with her. She's so sweet and i can't stand how near her face was to mine while were chatting along the way. I'm enjoying the moment so i let us get off a little far from my home. After getting off, she kept on insisting to drop me in my house but i told her a very nonsense but true reason that it's already late so I ushered her to get on the bus already. Well you know me I always keep myself from anyone and knowing my home will break one of the walls I created. I'm not anti-social or something but i was scared cat. Scared of betrayal.. I've been betrayed by the person i really trust my bestfriend and it broke me.. I know to myself that i'm fragile enough so if i let her as near as that to me i will be a mess once she betray my trust. I honestly don't put too much trust to anyone.. for me.. one moment or another they will left. I will be all alone by myself which i'm already used with. When i got home i can't help to think about how fate played with us. We didn't talk about what were gonna give but we both settle for a bear the only difference was hers was an actual bear while mine was a necklace with a bear printed on it. What an awesome connection we've got! I crawl to my bed lazily thingking about how wonderful she was and i can't get her out of my head.

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