Confession and Confussion

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After class i decided to hangout with my dearest Pryam. We were in a snack bar seated in a manner that our legs were touching. I'm on my PE uniform while she's wearing an all black tshirt w/ batman symbol on it and a genie pedal. She look's like a dancer on it. Hey! She called my attention. Yes pry? I replied. I have something for you it's just simple but i really did save for it. She utters obviously hesitant or something. She got something from her pocket reaveling a simple silver bracelet. It has a plate which i supposed someones name should be carved on it. I'm wondering why it does not have my name on it. Thanks! was all i said coz' i'm a bit really surprised. Advance happy friendsarry! I want to give it at the exact date but i can't keep myself so i gave it earlier. She explained gently. It's alright. I managed to say motioning her to put the bracelet in my wrist. It was accidentally tangled so she have to fix it. All the while i'm watching her as her hands trembled. Oh. She's nervous that's it. But why? I said mentally. Sorry. I just can't. Do just fix it at home. Pryam finally said giving up. It's alright yosh. I said hastily. I decided to entwine my hand with hers and it was great. There's nothing wrong with this right? I asked myself inside my brain. As if it will give me an answer. I shrugged the thought out. A freshmen come over us and did talk a little. You're together? Seeing our entwined fingers he asked Pryam all of a sudden. Of course not. Infact i have a boyfriend.She countered defensively removing her hand away from mine. The look on Prtam's face told me she was embarassed. I just acted cool. There was really nothing between us but the fact that she have a boyfriend add more to it. This strange feeling inside of me again.

After eating our snack we took a walk. Pryam got tired i think that's why she asked me to sit. We've been chatting for a while when she said I LOVE YOU MIELLE. I REALLY DO- I cutted her I KNOW. YOU ALWAYS SAY IT. While faking a smile that i didn't know if she's aware of. I did it on purpose to cut her out. I know what she was going to say. I'm not yet ready for it. I had read it from her actions but I just ignored it telling myself that it's impossible. Now it's already confirmed she loves me more than a friend and that explains why her hands were trembling back there. What am i supposed to do? I asked myself mentally. She was taken aback but what I've said. Yeah. Was all she's able to say. I know it have been really hard for her to have the courage to do that and i just ruined it. I know she's hurt and disappointed. But what can i do? I do LIKE her but i'm not inlove with her. I hope she'll understand.


It was still dark and the radiant moon was still out while the early morning stars are visible. Mielle wake up only to find herself not able to sleep again. She was thingking about the almost confession of Pryam. God damn it Pry! She groaned in frustration. How will i be able to get it out of my head?! Ok Mielly you should stop over thingking things. She scolded herself. Mielle got rid of the confussion and finally started preparing for school as she thought it will give her time to continue her so called "project". She had been working on it. It was a sky blue and pink hand made card which includes photos of Pryam she got printed out from facebook. It contains a longer than usual message for Pryam. The girl means a lot for her. Ever since she came into her life everything seems much lighter and easier. She learned to be truly happy again, after all those struggles that came finally she had someone to lean on. It was nice having someone so dear like you Pryam. I wish i can have you forever. I'm glad you came into my life. I've been praying to God for a friend like you and here you are.. You are the answer to my prayers. She was thingking to write those things but then decided not to. For Mielle it was too much drama and it'll be boring.

Mielle finally arrived in school. Lalala~ She sings while walking in the grounds. Hey! Good morning! She greeted her friend Alice and kissed her on the cheek. She reached their room and immediately put her bag down to get her things for the card. She cheerfully start writting again thingking happy thoughts about Pryam which inspires her to truly say what she feels about her. Everyone came dashing to the room when the bell rang. Good morning Mielle! Her seatmate and exbestfriend? Leila . She was a cute little girl. She had a long shiny straight black hair falling flawlessly in her back, a pair of twinkling eyes and a not so shaped but nice lips. The class tease her as "pumpkin" coz she really looks like an elementary student despite her age, it's against her height and body built. Murnin' Lei! She replied shortly. How are you mielly? Lei inquired. I'm fine. The teacher came in and they all stand up to greet her. Good morning class! You may now take your seats. Mrs. King told them. The usual routine took place. The bell rang signaling that it was break time already but instead of taking a break Mielle stayed inside her room to continue making the card. She actually told Pryam that she was doing a project which makes her.gigle. She wants to create some element of surprise. A nosy classmate of hers came into view. What's that Mielle? A diary? He asked. Nothing. I mean.. Yeah. She answered to keep him away. After some minutes.. Finally! She said mentally. She was already done and ready to give it.

Pryam came into Mielle's room cause she wants to see her. I miss her. She told herself. It was rare that she misses the girl every now and then even if she had just not seen her for a day. It makes her day complete seeing the girl she truly adores. Hello yosh! She greets her. Hi Yosh! Mielle replied gladly. HAPPY FRIENDSARRY YOSH!♥ Here's my project. Do i have a passing grade? haha. Mielle added teasing while handling her the card. Happy friensarry! Thanks. So this is your project? I really thought you have one coz' you stayed up late for this. Pryam said with obvious shyness in her voice. Yeah. That's it! Mielle smiled widely at her. She felt that same electrifying effect she had towards Mielle. I LOVE YOU. She said sweetly. I.. love you too. Mielle replied awkwardly sweet. She still remembers how Pryam tried to confess. She pushed the thought away and focused to the girl infront of her.

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