Chapter 1

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How I got turned is a story I shall indulge you on, though it was nearly 970 years ago.

I was the first Cullen to ever be turned by Carlisle. When I was a fledgling I sometimes liked to get in my head, thinking Carlisle regretted turning such a train wreck. Carlisle always assured me he would never regret my turning, and I was better for it. Even after my small killing spree in the 90s, Carlisle never fled from my side.

Anyways, what lead up to my turning all began when I was 17 years of age. A teenager now, but back then I was considered a man.

I remember being so naive, thinking there was good and everyone... I would soon find out how cruel the world truly was, and how much humans only cared about themselves.

Back then, I was a servant under the rule of my former king. He was a kind and gracious man, he love and cared for his people and would give his life up in no less then a second if he had to. A human now dead, but still the only one capable of gaining my respect, and atlast, my love.

His brother, though, was a heartless and cold man, only out for himself. He had evil in his eyes, manipulative and deceitful. He killed women and children alike, there was no salvation for this human.

The king had personally hired me as the head servant, and I was beyond grateful for the opportunity.

Though I was young, I was very skilled and many things, ranging from combat to cooking. My father had made sure of that.

I was different for all the other children. I was born with snow white hair, pale blue eyes, and albino skin. My mother had dark skin and long curls, but my father, like me, was albino. Everyone though, said I was a beauty to be hold, so I wasn't bullied for it so much as revered. In other parts of the world, as I would later come to find out, not so much.

The young women of our village would place bets on who would one day become my wife and bare my children. Being the head servant, I basically ran the castle for the most part.

Any women of novice standing would be honored to be my wedded, maybe even of noble if they saw fit my beauty. While I sometimes found my eyes wondering to perky tits, or full pink cherry lips, they much rather preferred the lean muscles, the muscular jaw, and the pretty emerald eyes of my King.

I'd thought most women was drawn to me because of my height, being of 6'3, and pair that with my kind and gentleman like attitude, even I'd think I was a catch. Though I did sway more to the side of men than of women, I thought both genders very attractive in their own right.

Being the way I am wasn't seen a good or bad thing, just something that was. It became seen as unholy or against nature around 200 or so years later, when men decide they wanted to fuck childen. The change the word of the Bible to; Thou shalt not shell not lay with child, to Thou shalt not lay with man.

While most didn't mind my preference, some did, but for completely different reasons the right or wrong.. The kings brother being one of them.

You see, when I informed the king of my sexual preferences one night over a glass of shared wine, he wasnt at all bother with me being fond of both genders, in fact, he seemed relieved. When the word eventually got out his brother was one of the few to find it absolutely disgusting, thogh I would find out soon enough it's wasn't exactly disgust he was feeling.

I would find him sending me stone cold glares when conversing with other men, and I took his hatred and tenses body for disgust. Before long, when he saw me in private, he would be throwing glasses, books, metals, and silverware, my way. but eventually those objects turned into fist.

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