Chapter 10

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On the weekend Winter and Jake spent in the cabin nothing remarkable happened. There was the undeniable soul bond that demanded them to spend every possible moment together, which was hard not to do seeing as they were currently occupying the same cabin.

Winter had gotten a few calls from his family, though he ignored them unless they were for Carlisle. There was nothing much to do besides stare at the man who was in the kitchen stringing something in a pot. They talked a bit more, but Winter never knew how to feel around the werewolf. He was supposed to hate him, but even now, just watching him cook had ravaged butterflies tearing at his chest.

"Stop." The word came out in a groan, no heat to the words like Winter would have expected of a shifter.

"Stop what?" Winter asked, but he knew what he was referring to, they'd had this conversation before.

"Stop staring at me like I'm a fucking blood bag." Jake glared, his pot string becoming more aggressive.

"Don't worry," Winter said, a playful smirk on his lips that he didn't control, "I want you much more than I want a blood bag." The flirting came naturally, like he'd always been a cool playboy and not the ice prince he was to everyone else.

Winter couldn't see his face, but he saw the tips of the shifter's ears turn a ruby red.

"Says the bloodsucker," Jake muttered before he turned the stove off and got a plate.

"You don't believe me?" Winter asked, tilting his head as Jake came to sit next to him, and it didn't escape Winter's attention that he'd slide his chair just a bit closer to Winter's personal space.

Jake took a bite of his food, chewing slowly, either to avoid answering or to think about the question. Winter watched, his eyes tracking the column of Jake's neck as he swallowed his food. Winter felt his fangs elongate, but he forced them down.

"I can tell you want to drink from me," Jake says after he'd eaten the Mac and cheese.

"Couse I do. Vampires drink from their other half, it's said to be the best blood a vampire could have." Winter admitted, not shy at all about his wondering mind. Jake looked up at him, "You're not going to drink my blood." Jake says firmly, but by the way his eyes deepen in color and his noise flair, he's not as against the idea as he says.

"Never say never." Winter countered before he got out of his chair and headed to the door.

There was a clatter of silverware hitting the table and a chair sliding nastily across the floor that had Winter pausing.

"Where are you going?" Jake asked, his voice pitched higher than normal as he raced to where Winter was by the door.

"I told Alice I would go to prom this time round," Winter explains, looking at the shifter. Jake stiffens, his jaw clenched.

"What?" Winter asked, taking a step closer to Jake in confusion and concern at the sudden shift of mood. There was a moment of silence, so long Winter wondered if Jake would answer.

"Who are you going with?" He finally asked, making Winter's eyes go wide. Winter assesses the shifter, his stiff demeanor, tightened jaw and narrowed eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Winter smirked, Turning back to head out, but as he reached for the door handle a hand grabbed his shoulder turned him around and slammed him against the wall.

"I would in fact like to know," Jake growled, voice low and feral.

The feel of Jake, his other half pinning him against the wall because he was so obviously jealous sent a spike of arouse through the vampire. Winter licked his lips, looking the shifter in his glaring eyes.

"To bad." Winter countered, wanting to see more than anything what his other would do. The hand wrapping around his throat didn't disappoint.

"Who are they?" The low threading sound that came from the shifter did sinful things to Winter's lower regions.

"If I tell you, what are you gonna do about it pup?" Winter asks, leaning into the hand cutting off his unneeded air supply if only to get closer to his manic shifter.

"I'll rip out their fucking throat with my bear teeth." The breathtaking gold of Jake's eyes shining through to show his volatile wolf was at the surface because of some imaginary date for prom Winter 'had' spoke to Winter in ways that simple words never would.

"Then that's good news for them because I don't have a date to prom." Winter finally tells Jake. He blinks, head tilting the way confused dogs would when the didn't understand something, or in Jake's case, hand be lead on.

"But y-you sai-"

"I wanted to see your reaction." Winter admitted, gently praying Jake's hand off his throat before bringing it to his lips, "which was beautiful, by the way." Winter whispered, placing a bearly there kiss on Jake's knuckles which shot tingles through the vampire's body from the kiss.

Jake's face flushed beat red and he snatches his hand away. Winter smirked, watching the blush travel from his cheeks to his ears, it was the most adorable thing Winter had ever seen.

"Since you seem so interested in who's coming to prom with me, would you like to be my date?" Winter asked, not at all surprise to see Jake's eyes widen in surprise.

"Me?" Jake asked, disbelief clear in his voice. Honestly, it made sense why he would be surprised seeing as every one of his siblings would be there, and seeing a shifter at prom with their older brother might create some tension.

"Yes, you." Winter responded, a smile gracing his lips, "you are my soul after all."

"Would they even let me... I mean I don't exactly go to that school." Jake muttered, but Winter already knew he'd agree.

"If they don't we'll just do something else." Winter shrugged. Jake bit his bottom lip in concentration.

"I... yea- yeah I'll go," Jake said, a hesitant smile curving his lips and something in Winter's chest melted.

God, I love a good jealous rage, not only was it fun to write it's always so fun to read. How are you guys feeling about the book so far, I do think the writing is better than my first Twilight fanfic, it's definitely not as popular though lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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