Chapter 7

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"They were leaving, then they heard us," Alice said as we all gathered around Bella, so it'd be harder for them to sense her. Edward grabs Bella by her wrist, pulling her away, "Let's go." He says, but it was already too late.

"They're too close... it's too late to run," Carlisle said, making Edward stop.

"Bella, put your hair down and pull your hoodie up," Winter ordered, his tone authoritarian. Bella opened her mouth, most likely to ask why, but Edward answered before she could.

"It will mass your scent." He explained, pulling the human's hair down and her hoodie up for her.

Winter doubts it'll do much but give a false sense of security. If the unfamiliar coven wanted to stay and 'chat' for longer than a minute the girl's scent would flood through her hair and hoodie.

With any luck, the vampires hovering over her would hopefully confuse the coven, but it would only last for a few extra seconds before they realized she was, in fact, a human. Also, the wind blowing doesn't exactly help much in hiding her scent.

It wasn't long before the other coven of vampires could be seen. They stop about 20 feet away. There were three of them, two men and one woman.

"I believe this belongs to you."  The Ken in the middle said, holding the ball in his hand, his voice faintly accented in French. He tosses the ball back to Carlisle who catches it with a forced smile.

"I am Laurent and this is Victoria and James." He says, gesturing to the right and left with a tilt of his head. Victoria gave a nod of her head, while James tilted his in an almost sycophantic way.

"I'm Carlisle and this is my family." As he said this, Winter watched the group, eyes cold and face emotionless.

"Hello," Laurent said in a way that was meant to sound normal, but it made Winter tense with apprehension.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle said, having no doubt that these vampires were out to hunt humans.

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent said. While the conversation seemed to be going ok, Winter knew better than to let his guard down.

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby," Carlisle explained.

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." Laurent said.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe," Victoria said, a fake smile on her face as she spoke.

"Excellent," Carlisle replied simply.

"So... could you use three more players?" Laurent asked, and as we all stayed silent, he said, "Aw, come on. Just one game."

Carlisle sighed, "Sure, why not? A few of us were leaving. You could take their place. We'll bat first. " Carlisle said, tossing the bat to Victoria.

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball." She said.

"Well, I think we can handle that," Jasper said, using a very light country accent to be perceived as less threatening.

"We shall see." Victoria grinned, Turning away to go play the game, Laurent following, but James stayed, analyzing Edward and Bella.

Just as Edward was turning Bella to leave, the wind blew and Winter knew the ruse was up when James took a deep sniff.

"You brought a snack." He said walking up to the family, his fangs out as he hissed, only to have the entire family hissing back.

Suddenly they were all facing off, three against eight. "The girl is with us." Carlisle said. "I think it's best if you leave."

"I can see the game is over. We'll go now." Laurent said, slowly backing away and ordering his coven to do the same.

"Get Bella out of here. Go." Winter said, voice harsh as he turned Edward around and pushed then to the jeep.

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