Chapter 9

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"What do you mean he's your soul?!" Rosalie hissed, stepping dangerously close to Winter only for the human form of Jake to growl protectively.

"Do you really think this is the time to talk about this?" Winter asks, tilting his head in the direction of Bella's hospital room.

"Does it look like I care about some human girl when you accuse some dog of being your soul" Winter felt irritation flare in him.

"If you think I'd put my entire family in the line just to 'accuse'-" Winter spits the word out like venom "A werewolf if being my soul, you don't know me at all," Winter said, trying his best to keep his voice even and calm before he says something he'll sure regret.

"Maybe I would believe you if it was even possible for a vampire and a mutt to have a soulbond." the vampire agreed, stubborn to the truth of Winters's words.

"I've been alive longer than you can even fathom Rosalie, to think I've mistaken a soul bond for any other than what it is, is a mistake on your part alone." Rosalie seems to shrink under the age difference a little, as compared to vampire rule, the oldest deserves respect, but it would not be Rosalie if she backed down.

"Considering I have a bonded pair, I think I can spot a fake." she determines, looking down her nose at the long-haired shifter who says nothing with his voice but everything with his eyes and stance. He wouldn't hesitate to throw down his life to protect Winter, just as Winter for the shifter.

The strong feelings were new to Winter, he didn't feel them when he first met the wolf shifter, but then again studies on bonded pairs seemed to show a strong protective burst if said pair were attacked, and seeing as both were attacked, it would add up.

"Your opinion is based solely on a bias against shifters, and if we are being completely honest, we both know the only opinion I take truly into concentration is Carlisle's and seeing as he took one look at us and said Jake was under his protection, you 'opinion if us is null and void," Winter said, dismissing her, entirely done with this conversation.

Winter turned to walk away, but as he grabbed onto the shifter's wrist and started to head out with a silent make on his heels, Rosalie opened her mouth "Carlisle words are not law. Winter paused, hearing the thinly veiled threat in her words.

Something dark and possessive took over Winter and before he had even thought it, words darker than any he would have ever thought he'd say to someone he thought of as your younger sister came out of his mouth.

"Rosalie. Listen carefully because I do not like repeating myself. If you lay a hand in harm of him I will exile you from this coven faster than you can blink. And if you decide to try and end his life, I will hunt you down and end your immortal existence." His words were spoken coldly like he'd never even once had a warm affection for the woman in his life. Rosaline stood there in shocked silence but Winter didn't even look back as he started to make his way out of the hospital.

"Get in," Winter ordered as he got into his car, almost slamming the door closed. Jake did as told, getting into the passenger seat.

They set in tense silence before Jake finally opened his mouth. "You didn't have to do that." He muttered quietly. Winter turned to glance at him, feeling a ray of different emotions light in him, the strongest two being a mixture of 'he's mind' and 'I'll keep him safe'

"Yes, I did," Winter answered simply.

The creeping silence was back as Winter started the engine and backed out of the parking lot. Once the car was driving a good 60 mph down the road, Jae decided to speak.

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