Chapter 2

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Unnatural calmness washed over me and my attention was quickly on Jasper.

"Stop." I warned to my younger brother Jasper. He's an empath who liked to cheer me up, even though I told him time and time again that I don't need it.

"Sorry," he apologizes, his head down. "You seem a bit on edge, I just wanted to help." He mumbled.

"I know, but don't worry, something just feels weird." I explained, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Why?" he asked seriously, his arms crossed.

"I don't really know, it just I feel like theirs gonna be some kind of a change." I told him honestly. I don't usually lie to Jasper, unless it's something I know could put him in danger.

"Is it bad?" he asked, I shrugged my sholders.

"Can't tell, we're just gonna have to wait and see." I smiled, shoving into his sholder playfully, hoping to ease his nerves, it seemed to help.

We both left my room and walked into the kitchen. Everone was ready to go it seemed.

Rosalie was going to drive. I got shot gun and Alice and Jasper were seated in the back.

When they arrived to the parking lot that expected half the student body to stare at them as they always do. I would always shoot glares them glare, never liking the attention of humans, but it seems today was different.

A transfer student, I recognized that was what had the students captivated, but he didn't dwell on this and instead was thankful that no one looked at him as he made his way to his first period.


I walked through the Halls gracefully passing all the humans that all made way for him, naturally trying to avoid the ice demon that emerged when angered.

As the siblings walked into the lunchroom I revolted at the sight of the humans nasty habit of eating and talking, causing food to spring out of their mouths. It was a disgusting sight to see, but even with all the gag worthy distractions, a conversation still manages to catch

"Who are they?" I heard a new an unfamiliar voice, the transfer student.

"The Cullens." Angela, a nice friendly and untroublesome girl answered.

Without knowing anybody I had made note of every student that went here. I knew their, name, age, birthday, hobbys, but most importantly, there darkest secrets.

I knew everything, but that's simply because he revealed in his ability of knowing things about people. Humans were easy, he didn't have to know them to know what they liked. For example, the girl from across the table, her names Rachel, she slept with her best friend's boyfriend not too long ago. And over to the left, Diego, he has a crush on Eden, his best friend.

Everyone have their own little secret and things they like liked to keep secret, and winter had a gift in exploding those secrets; mending it to his own will. I was a master at observation, a little technique that I've been patient enough mastered.

"They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids." Jessica told the girl, she was completely opposite of Angela, she loved making trouble, mostly by the dirty little rumors she made up, and rumors was something I hated.

"They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago." She told her shaking her head.

"They kind of keep to themselves." Angela explained.

"Yeah 'cause they're all together." Jessica whispered excitedly, the chance to gossip never evading her.
"Like, together, together." She told her, bobbing her.

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