Chapter 3

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Winter had quite a hard time with letting out his anger now that Edward was gone. You see, Edward and him would get in a a lot of fights together and though Winter would never admit it he relies on those fights to help him blow off some extra steam.

Winter was also quite troubled with the wandering eyes of Isabella swan.

The next day which was a school day she had to walk into the cafeteria and immediately her brown eyes search for Winters brother. What she found was an empty seat as Winter stared back at her his eyes narrowed slightly.

Besides Edward, Winter stood out to her the most, he was different than the others. He was lean but muscular, his statue standing more the 6 feet, his glare very prominent everywhere he went. Not to mention his snow white hair and pale gray eyes (no wonder his parents named him Winter) but there here was something else too . The cold dark aura he had surrounding himself in. It was so dark even a blind person could see it was so nerve racking.

She could tell there was something else something, something pure, vulnerable, and sad, but there was also evil and darkness that clouded and dominated that sad and helpless part of him.

The piercing gaze Winter seem to give her made the girl a nervous bundle of wires. Winter didn't stare at her because he disliked the girl, and nomenclature, that didn't mean he liked her either, he was merely curious about the pathetic human who had supposedly caught the attention of his little brother.

"Winter, are you ok?" Jasper whispered, his face twisted in concerned, hands clenched together tightly. He can feel what winter was feeling, and though he didn't know how to quite explain it he would say it was a mixture of sorts.

Winter was angry, but somehow calm. A brewing storm, he was wild, yet tamed. Like a tiger trapped in a weakening cage.

"Yeah, I'm fine, for now." the white-haired man said though it was more like he was foreshadowing making Jasper tense up just a bit more.


If you where to ask Winter what his favorite place in the world was, he would have said the forest without hesitation. He loved staring up at the sky, the cold grass of forest bushing up against his skin, he loved the sounds of the forest overwhelming his senses, millions of things running through his head rent free. he could let his thoughts flutter and bloom. He loved the sound of the tiny paws of small animals running across trees, the fluttering of bird's wings as they chirped like they where singing a song, and the thud of animals paws from miles away.

He always knew his home with a safe place, especially his room, but sometimes, it felt as if it was suffocating him, so he would rush into the escape of the forest that seemed to never fail to calm his nerves.

Now and days being around his family was stressful, especially with one of their own away. It had only been a few days, but it felt like an weeks, Winter had mention this before that Edward was not his favorite by far, but he was still his little brother, his family, and it was hard not seeing him on a daily basis.

As he sets on the ground he heard something in the distance.

A faint growl and he was no longer in la la wonderland but fully aware and on guard. A pitch black wolf revealed himself, he was definitely an alpha, and he most definitely wasn't a patintent on. This wasn't a fist time winter had bumped into a werewolf when he was trying to get away to relax and it wasn't his first time kill one ether, I mean it was his natural instinct.

The werewolf growled again and Winter took a look around before knowing he had wonder in a werewolf's territory and the wolf wasn't just staring mess just because, so Winter made the quick decision vamp speed away and the wolf didn't follow him though he could feel its sharp eyes trail after him as if calling him, winter knew he couldn't ignore it forever.


Friday came and Edward had yet to return making the swan girl steal occasional glances at there table obviously scanning for the missing Cullen brother. The girl most probably thought she was being inconspicuous but any moron could clary pick up were her mind wondering.

Winter being the natural spy he was looked at the girl without anyone noticing (we maybe anyone but his family) He was getting quit upset with the girl. She had every boy in that school of idiots drooling over her and yet be a constant reminder to him that Edward was gone for who knows how long when she didn't even know him. All of her staring was reminding him that his brother was not here and it was starting to become mildly infuriating.

Winter still didn't have anything against the girl but he knew that she would bring a lot of trouble to his family as he was great at reading people so he just wished to stay far away from the nuances as she would only be a burden on his family and it also didn't help that he hated change, and bella was a huge change for the vampire.

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