Chapter 5

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The house was filled with the unfamiliar smell of a home cook meal as herds simmer against olive oil coloring the pasta with flavors.

Rosalie seem to be in a constant state of grumbling under her breath, whilst Jasper cut up fresh onions with the help of Emmett, who only managed to cut himself with the knife a few times before giving up and cheering Jasper on.

This was something quite unfamiliar to the family as they never really cooked as it was useless and a waste of food, but this is a special occasion.

Edward was bringing home a girl, an obsession really.

Isabella Swan.

Everybody in the house seemed unsurprisingly excited to finally meet the girl, Rosalie and Winter not included. Though most Rosalie.

"This is a waste of food. Impossible for her to eat all of it." Winter said coming down from upstairs watching all the somehow organized chaos unpack itself.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie rolled her eyes. She was angrily helping mix the vegetables into a colorful disorganized salad.

"Her name is Bella." Esme informed the Italian name as she continued to stir the noodles in the boiling water.

"So if we're going by your logic, I should stake my claim over the Atlantic Ocean?" Winter said eyebrows raised in slight amusement.

"You say that as if you haven't already," Jasper says, remembering the time that Carlisle had once told them about how Winter once ruled over an Old Atlantic tribe, who to this day still worships him as their God. He had found solace there fighting thousands of warriors off with his ice power. He was the strongest in a snowy domain.

"I guess I have, haven't I?" Winter smiled teasingly as the other laughed.

"Winter, would you grab the dressing and add just a touch more to the pasta?" Esma asked the white-haired vampire as Jasper went back upstairs.

"Of course." He smiled lightly.

Winter was still opposed to the human girl coming here, but he could watch to see if she posed any real danger. Maybe then he'll be a little more accepting of his brother's type, though he doubted that.

Edwards snitching (as the humans put it) on him didn't pose much of a trouble as no one could really keep an eye on him, as he was older and wiser than every one of them, besides Carlisle, but he trusted in Winter's judgment much more than the others did. Not to say that the others didn't trust him, but to say Winter has gotten them and quite a bit of a hassle over the times would be an understatement, but he has always managed to get them out of it.

Edward couldn't say the same.

There have been much smaller incidents while laying around in the woods, for example, he would find himself a few yards from getting to the border but managing to get ahold of himself before he ever could.

"Have you fed?" Jasper asked in concern.

Winter looked at the smaller vampire. "I haven't... but it's fine, I'm not hungry at the moment," Winter said plainly, though the dark in his eyes said otherwise.

It was not that he wasn't hungry, but he felt if he went on a hunt he would lose control and pass the border. He wouldn't risk it, he'll just find some blood bags somewhere.

Jasper shook his head, though still concerned.

"I'll go get Alice, you should feed soon," Jasper said and then he was gone.

The sound of a car parking outside sounded alerted the family of Edward's and the girl arrival. Esma looks up from the finished pasta with excitement.

Edward opened the door for the human like a true gentleman, showing her inside. They had an awkward talk about how modern the house was for a vampire family, causing Edward to make a cheesy joke about darkness and coffins.

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