Chapter 6

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His smile was breathtaking. Big and dopey looking, like the shifter was in some hypnotic state, but just as quickly, he snapped out of it and growled.

Winter winced, the sound reverberating in his body like a slap to the face. It sounded like rejection, and for reasons unknown, it made a foreign feeling rise. Something dark and lonely.... something dangerously close to hurt.

And why the fuck should he care? The wolf was nothing to him! He shouldn't feel like the growl aimed at him was some stupid rejection from his first crush.

The wolf, whatever the fuck his name was, seemed to notice Winters reaction and started to open his mouth to say god knows what, but before he could, Winter sneered and stuffed the foreign feeling uptight.

"Don't worry mutt, I have no interest in crossing the treaty lines," Winter said, voice cold and detached, not showing the wolf any more emotions of his that could be perceived as weakness.

The wolf opened and closed his mouth, seemingly at a loss for words. His stupidly big brown eyes showcased his emotions like an open book. Confusion, helplessness, anger, and.... affection? Winter scoffed to himself. Apparently he was imagining shit now.

"It's good to know you bloodsuckers at least have some common sense." He said with a deep voice, a deep voice that did... things to Winters northern regions, but he did note his words lacked the normal heat wolves usually spoke to vampires with.

"I'm impressed a dog even knows the meaning of common sense." Winter countered, cocking his hips and giving a smirk to the shifter.

The mutt licked his lips, taking a small step forward. "We are known to act on our... instincts." The way the word instincts came out of his lips was like a dirty sin. Winter jerked back, eyes widening as he realized he was dame near flirting with the enemy.

Cocking his hips?! Smirking?! And as he was pulled out of this weird hypnotic state, he realized he was shoving his messy white hair out of his face so he could see more of the wolf.

And worse yet, the mutt was flirting back, with his dirty words, his sinful voice, and his stalking forward. Like he was daring the vampire. Coxing him forward with his devilishly long hair, his tall muscular frame, those big fucking puppy dog eyes. But Winter would not be fooled.


He turned around, and he ran back to his glass home to a family of vampires.


A week passed before he had to see the human girl outside of school, and let's just say Winter wasn't exactly happy about it. But then again, who was he to skimp out on family tradition, especially one he himself thought of. 

There wasn't exactly much for the seemingly normal family could do for fun without possible revealing themselves to humans, but when a particularly hard storm hits, the hen game began. Found far from there home and deep into the wood, a empty field lay absently, unknowing about to be trampled on by a bunch of playful vampires.

Winter humed, the feel of the cold harsh rain thudding on his skin relaxing in a way the rush of there 'baseball' could never be. Emmett bumped into him playfully, and Winter bumped him back. 

Winter here them before he saw them, the familiar sound of Edwards jeep pulling up and the sound of a pounding heart, a pounding heart which vampires don't have. He had brought her. 


Winter clinched his teeth, but reframed from offering up his opinion on the 'subject', mostly do to his own... infatuation. He may be a lot of thing, but a hypocrite he tries to avoid if possible.

When the jeep stutters to a park, Edward gets out and goes around the car to help Bella out.

"Bella!" Esme says with a mix of happy enjoyment and excitement of the game. "Glad your here, we need an umpire."

Emmentr rolls up behind the her, "She thinks cheat." He explains.

"I know you cheat." Esme corrected immediately with a playful smirk.

Winter chucked at the banter, before he rolled his shoulders back, cracking he neck, readying himself up for the game.

The vampires fell into he positions. Alice out pitch with the ball at hand, Winter poised with the bat, and Edward and Emmett outfield waiting to catch the ball. The others, Rosalie, Jasper, and Carlisle waiting their turn.

Alice leg flew up, her back out and arm reading the ball, then she threw the ball at a speed no human could even hope to witness. The harsh sound of the ball making contacted with the bat echoed over the field and flew fast into the trees.

Edweared ran after the ball into the wood and Winter took of for a home run. 

"That had to be a home run, right?" Bella asked, watching as Winter ran.

"Usually no as Edwears to fast, but winter is strong, he bats far." Esme says, watching as intensely as Bella. 

Winter surges to home base just before the balls goes flying out of the woods and Esme catuse the ball the Edward through out.

"Homerun." Bella says meekly. Winter grins, before moving to next position, bumping Edward as he says, "At lest you were close." Edward bumps him back, "You were going easy." Winter shrugged, not admitting it, nor denying it.

Next Rosalie when up to bat. She hit the ball, having it swing high in the air and Emmett chasing aster it. She ran for a home run, never one to miss a aportunaty, though this time, when Emmett through the ball back to esma, she caught it before she reached it and Alice touched her ust inches before she went homerun.

"Out" Bella said, earning a sharp glare from her as Emmett cheer from outfield at his teams victory.

Once, Emmett useds the trees as leverage, climbing it to catch the ball before it went to far and throwing it back before, but jasper managed to make it to the seconds mat, smartly not running to the next as esma catches it just a second before.

"My monkey man." Rosalie said fondly as she watch from the side.

The game went on like this, poring rain and thunder to cover up the loud cracking of the ball, each vamper making runs as another bats hard. Slowly, Bella becomes more comfortable as a umpire, announcing more surly who was out and who made a homerun.


Simultaneously, like a practiced thing, everyone halted, Bella looking around, not sure what was happing.  They all look at Alice, and it took them a second to see what cased the distress order, but as they all circled around the human, it became clear. A strange but familiar scent. 


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