Chapter 4

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As Winter walked the hallways, he was much more agitated then he was on friday, so much so that even the mortals could sense it. All the humans scurried to make way for the terrifying Ice Prince whos glare was as cold as ice.

Now the mere thought of his brother pissed him of more then ever. He had returned on saturday and somehow convinced himself into thinking him and the human girl could be friends. Winter has said this before. He didn't care about the girl, only curious how she could grabbed his brother attention, but what he did care about was his brother lying straight in his face.

They both knew they couldn't be just friends.

Winter had really only one thing that could make him beyond furious and that was getting lied to. Winter was almost always deadly honest and he didn't like sugar coding things. So to think that someone he knows and loves had the audacity to lie to him when he never did so to them was only adding ice to the already cold snowy mountain.

When Esme had said he was in love Winter notice a twinge of anger but not because he was jealous. Not even close. You see, love was a dangerous affliction that Winter hoped he would never have to go through again . To be in love was a game he didn't wish to play. It was a tricky and dangerous thing, especially for his kind. They needed to always be aware and being in love means the exact opposite.

Winter seemed to be more attracted to the forest then ever, and the black wolf was not patintent, two more decided to come along, two gray timberwolves. It seem they wouldn't hurt him for now, though Winter couldn't understand why.

He knew coming here could jeopardise the stalemate the cullens had made with the wolf pack and they'd have to leave Forks, but every time he went into the forest and let him mind wonder  he would always end up just on the border of the werewolves territory like it was calling to him. He felt like if he did listen to the call it would be betraying ever fider in his body and he just couldn't bring himself to do it, not until he found out why.

The others could tell something was bothering him, though Winter didn't know how as he was a master at hiding his emotions, even with Jasper, but he guess he's been off his game ever sense Edward left. Carlisle was worried for him as he seemed to be going to the forest a lot more than usual and he knew he only went for a quick escape as he did a lot in his past.

Speaking of his past, it's seemed over the years he has been alive he for some reason he couldn't forget that night. He didn't remember his parents faces or even what they sounded like, but what he could remember was the king the only human he will ever have a deep love for even know, his brother and those bastards. How their filthy hands violated him that night, he couldn't forget the one thing he wish to forget the most.


Madness struck one peticler icy morning when the siblings (Including Edward) pulled into Forks high school parking lot. At first all was fine, Bella had arrived safe and sound and than the next thing you there was the squealing of tires on the pavement of the ground heading straight for balla. Winter watches everything in slow motion as a van skidding trying to stop, but never slowing down heading straight for the girl.

"Shit," Winter hissed as he saw Edward running to the girl.

He ran to where Balla stood in complete and utter shock waiting for her untimely doom that never seemed to come. Edward had risk the entire vampire race to save the girl. There was a huge dent in the vans side as Edward held the girl close.

Yells of panic is what Winter hear next as everyone went to assist the girl, some did so by dialing 911 and other by coming to see if she was ok.

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