Chapter 8

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"I've had to fight out kind before. They're not easy to kill." Jasper said when they all gathered back into the garage.

"But not," Winter said. "We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces."

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadist one such as James," Carlisle said

"Then don't think of him as another. Think of him as a dog that needs to be put down." Winter said. He'd never been one to mind killing, as long as he thought then evil enough for it, but he knew Carlisle. He knew the empathy he had.

"I'm gonna run Bella south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward asked Winter.

"No. James knows you would not leave Bella. He'll follow you." Winter said.

"I'll go with Bella." Alice said, "Jasper and I will drive her south.  I'll keep her safe Edward." She promised.

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward asked, looking Alice in her eyes.

"Yes," Alice answered, going in to grab Bella and walking her to one of the cars.

"Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the trackers will pick up Bella's scent?" Edward asked a desperate air to his words, throwing one of Bella's large coats to them.

"Why? What is she to me?" Rosalie glared.

"Rosalie. Bellas with Edward meaning she's our family. We protect our family." Carlisle said, grabbing the jacket and holding it out to her. She watched Edward, before she reluctantly took it, shoving it on.


Winer carried one of Bella's jackets through the woods, as did the others, but as he ran, he couldn't help the feeling that he was being watched, and not by James. Every time Winter turned, he never saw anyone. Whoever it was, they were good.

The plan on the other hand seemed to be working, but as the time ticked by, the tracker suddenly switched course. "Fuck." Winter hissed, knowing he'd figured it out.

When Winter gathered up with the others, they got in the car to go to the hotel Bella, Alice and Jasper were at before James got there first, but Winter still couldn't shake the feeling.

As they were driving in the car, Edward suddenly got a call. He answered it, and they all used their hearing to listen in.

"Bellas gone! She left-"

"Where?!" Edward asked, his voice a mix of panic, anger, and desperation.

"To her old ballet school, I had a vision," Alice said in a hurry.

After Alice told him exactly what, he hung up. Carlisle stopped the car, it would be faster to just run, so Edward, being the fastest jumped out of the car, gone in a blink of an eye.

By the time they caught up to him, Bella was on the floor, withering in pain from the bite. Edward had the vampire pinned to the wall, but Carlisle got between them.

"Enough. Remember who you are." He said, Edward squeezed his eyes, before he let go, going to Bella.

Winter grabbed him, but blood on the floor made him lose balance, with that small window of mistake the vampire managed to spin around, slashing at him, aiming for his throat.

There was a growl, then a scream. Winter watched in shock silence as a wolf the size of a pony pounced on the vampire, tearing him to shreds.

Winter stumbled away, his heart pounding in his chest, but when Emmitt saw, he went for the wolf. Everything in Winter flared to life, a protective instinct so strong it took Winter by surprise. Without question, thought, or an ounce of hesitation he was raising his hand and aiming a blast of freezing ice at his brother to protect some wolf he didn't even know.

Emmitt jerked away from the wolf, turning his head to Winter with a shocked, hurt expression.

"Don't touch him," Winter growled, a searing hate he had never aimed at anyone in hundreds of years, alone a member of his family.

"It's a werewolf!" Emmitt hissed, taking a threatening step towards Winter, but the wolf growled, swiftly putting his body in front of Winter, growling and snapping at Emmitt.

Winter looks at the wolf, his heart glowing as he mutters without conscious thought.

"He is my soul."

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