Chapter 3 - Closing Time

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Closing Time -

Soon enough it was graduation day. They were now both officially doctors in their respective fields and it frankly felt fantastic. After the ceremony - that guests weren't allowed to attend so her parents weren't present - the women went back to their room to start packing.

"River, I've been thinking", Astrid opened the conversation as she discreetly put on her vortex manipulator, "What is it you want to do now?"

River smiled contently, "I studied archaeology because I'm looking for someone special."

"Do you think, maybe I can help you with that?", Astrid asked timidly.

River's lips twitched in a little amusement, "I don't know, really. She's really, very special."

"So am I", Astrid argued, almost offended.

"According to your mum?", River chuckled, before shaking her head to indicate she was joking, "Sorry. I'm just looking for this woman. She saved my life when we were children. Really, she's very important to me."

"So am I", she repeated, this time it sounded like a question.

"Yes, that's- that's why I'm hesitant. It's really, very dangerous. She's really, very dangerous", River stepped closer to intently put a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Oh, stars, you should meet my parents if you're worried about danger", she laughed.

Suddenly she was interrupted when the door flew open. A spacesuit was thrown into the centre of the room and Astrid was knocked back into a wall. There, in the doorway, towering over River stood two tall, slim, pale aliens with hollow features. Between them was a petite brunette woman with an eyepatch. She had a very stern look on her face and wore strict black clothes. She didn't pay attention to Astrid and glared at River.

"Tick tock, goes the clock, and what now shall we play? Tick tock, goes the clock, now summer's gone away", she sang to her.

River's eyes flickered to fear, "Hello?"

"Such a lovely old song. But is it about him?", she dropped a file onto the suit and Astrid spotted a picture of a tall, skinny man with floppy hair, wearing a tweed suit and a bow tie.

"You know about the Doctor?", River asked, identifying the man and making Astrid widen her eyes upon the realisation that her father was somehow involved in this.

"So very well. Oh, don't try and remember me. We've been far too thorough with your dear little head", the woman tapped her temple with a mocking smile.

River only now seemed to notice the two figures behind her, "Oh! What are they? What are those things?"

"Your owners", the woman sneered.

Astrid looked between the woman and her friend in horror. For a moment her eyes flickered to the picture of the apparent current regeneration of her father. She shook her head with confusion before looking back up and remembering the scene she'd just witnessed, "What the-"

"My what?", River's horror matched Astrid's although it was still overpowered by complete confusion.

"So, they made you a doctor today, did they? Doctor River Song. How clever you are. You understand what this is, don't you?", the woman gestured to the file once more.

Astrid then noticed the date and time on the file, 22/04/11 5:02pm Lake Silencio.

"According to some accounts it's the day the Doctor dies", River continued calmly, causing Astrid's horror to shift to the peer she'd come to consider a friend. She was really regretting that revelation now.

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