Chapter 4 - Stormcage

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Stormcage -

"Just Astrid?", the recruiter asked.

"Smith?", Astrid shrugged, trying to think of a last name to use, "I don't know. Yeah, Astrid Smith, sounds good."

"So it's not real", he raised an eyebrow.

"Sir, I am not human, and to be frank I'm finding it quite offensive of you to assume that all species have the same system of name-giving. My name is Astrid. Just Astrid, but if you must insist I will go by Astrid Smith, clear?"

"Miss Smith, I will be your superior if you intend to work here so I suggest you gain some respect", the recruiter warned her.

"It's Doctor Smith, actually, if you will have a look at the file you're holding. Listen, if you will hire me, I will be your best asset. I am an expert in interplanetary law, I have all sorts of strategies and tactics for any situation memorised and last but certainly not least, I'm willing to do it. And don't tell me that's not reason enough to be recruited. I've looked you up, you're desperate, especially since-", she blinked before continuing, "Since the Doctor's death. You'll need anyone you can get."

"Fair enough", he agreed.

"So the job's mine?"

"How are you going to handle your issue with respecting authority?"

"Easy. I'll become the highest authority", she shrugged.

He chuckled almost mockingly, "And how do you intend to do that?"

She shrugged once more, "One problem at a time, sir. Now, I'm assuming training starts tomorrow?"

"If you will, Doctor Smith. Henderson will show you to your quarters. You'll find everything you need there", he brushed her off towards a guard by the door.

The guard nodded and led the way.

"Weren't you Doctor Song's friend?", the man recognised her.

"Pardon?", she played dumb.

"I was one of the guards who arrested River Song. You were there and tried to make a case for her", he continued.

"I don't know what you're talking about", she kept up her act, looking around herself and taking in her surroundings, trying to memorise the infrastructure.

"Look, I appreciate justice just as much as the next man so I respect what you did there", he turned around to her, "But Doctor Song is guilty and she'll pay the prize for her actions in here."

"Oh, Henderson. That's your stance on justice, then?", Astrid mocked, "My innocent friend has just been arrested for the murder of someone I dearly care for. A murder she did not commit. A murder I'm not even sure happened. If you're going to take that stance on justice, I suggest you stay out of my sight."

"Is that a threat?", he stepped closer as they had stopped walking.

"That is a recommendation. I'm capable of things you can't fathom, Mister Henderson", she narrowed her eyes at him.

He raised an eyebrow before stepping back, "It's Professor Henderson, actually. I was a doyen at the University of Rago Rago 56 Rago. But after the Macrobes attacked I was laid off."

"So instead you became a prison guard?", she asked in disbelief.

"You said it yourself. They need whomever they can get. I was a professor of martial law and I needed work so here I am", he explained, "The Doctor, that man she killed, he saved the University."

"He does that for a lot of people", Astrid muttered.

"'Did', you mean", he corrected her.

She raised her eyebrows, "No offence, Professor, but out of the two of us I'm probably the one who knows him better. The Doctor is not dead."

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